Gardening Supplies

We Are Running Out of Time: 8 Principles to Secure Before An Economic Crisis

🗣 Welcome to another Mantra Monday where we look at the mantra and what’s happening in the world relative to that today.

If you’d like to be as self-sufficient and independent as possible with regard to Wealth Preservation, Food, Water, Energy, Security, Barterability, Community and Shelter. Then you’ve come to the right place. Please remember that my “Step-1” was Wealth Preservation, because it’s a lot harder to develop the rest of these pieces if your money disintegrates with hyperinflation. To learn the strategy I employed first, click the link here to Schedule a Call:
📞 Or if it’s more urgent, you may call direct: 866-393-1002

🍅 Free Webinar 👉 “How To Grow Lots Of Food” This is for people who want the fastest and easiest ways to produce healthy and delicious meat, eggs, and vegetables.”
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🔗 To see Lynette’s slides and links from this video:

📖 Chapters:
0:00 Mantra Monday
0:52 Food
3:16 Water
3:46 Energy
6:15 Security
7:39 Barterability
8:20 Wealth Preservation
10:52 Community

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FYI: ITM Trading is comprised of Precious Metals and Economic Experts. They are not financial planners, nor do they give general financial consulting. They are economic experts and sell Gold & Silver to Strategic Investors who want to protect their wealth with the proper types, dates, and qualities of precious metals. For more info Call: 866-393-1002

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#economy #prepping #community


  1. And its fun getting prepared! I now own things I would never had purchased like dehydrators, portable solar generators and panels, gardening seeds, fertilizer and supplies, multiple flashlights, a Smith & Wesson, tons of preserved food, a countertop water 💧 system, cash in the wild, precious metals, and no debts 🤗👍🥳

  2. My daughter is soooo waking up..
    Her shopping for 3 kids is truly making her see more. She has been a mini prepper..but, she's really going strong now. Thankfully she believed in shiny item in your hand for awhile now.
    Thanks for all you do!

  3. Been prepping for over 2 years it’ll still be while nothing showing it’s guna get that out of hand just a ton of click bait hysteria

  4. Economy and the Stock "Market" has had virtually no organic growth goin on 15 years, both taken over by the Fed and turned into some kind of grotesque mutation driven by ever increasing amount of borrowing and CB control and manipulation.

  5. Lynette. Even the dimmest nitwit was taught consequences occur based upon one's actions. It is the topic that haunts many of us when the dimwits of the world who have done little suddenly have these many needs. Do we say too bad? Or watch the blood flow in the streets? I dunno. We prepared and have secured our food supply for a year. But what about those neighbors and their kids? I do not have enough to feed to neighborhood and if my stores became known, we would likely be stormed for them. We have no bug out in the mountains. We plan to live fine in Phoenix and hunker in place. It makes a plan suspect in fear. Your thoughts if you care to reply which is unlikely.

  6. Thank you Lynette. It is getting crazy out there and man, it’s just a lot of information overload. Need to take a step back at times.

  7. Despite the financial instability all over the world, I’m so excited I’ve been earning $45,000 from my $10,000 investment every 10days…

  8. We are living out of motel rooms until we find a home, and can’t stock up and prepare. But we trust God will provide all our needs.

  9. Investing in crypto now should be in the every wise individual's list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today"

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