Gardening Trends

Saving Dahlia Seeds, Planting Snowdrops, Cutting Back Peonies, Leaf Mulching // Northlawn

Today I’m saving dahlia seeds, labeling dahlia tubers for storage, planting snowdrops, cutting back peonies, and mulching Grace’s garden with shredded leaves.
Dahlia Breeding for the Farmer Florist –
Saving dahlia tubers “dirty” –
Soy Sauce Traps for Earwigs –


  1. Thanks for showing us the fall clean up. I especially liked seeing the tarnish bug and the info on peonies. I also cut back hostas and phlox.

  2. Thanks for all the autumn tips. I didn't know about cutting back peonies so that is very useful. I am going to do that right now! I live in England so,as you say, we can buy Snowdrops in 'the green '. I guess that means we don't have to wait the extra year to get flower like you sometimes have to do with the bulbs. 😊

  3. Love snowdrops. I have moved / divided them in the green before easy to do I am in central Indiana love your garden

  4. I have a question. I dug up my dahlia tubers and they all looked wonderful. After the frost and they died back I dug up the tubers and cut the dried foliage off. I then sprayed the dirt off and placed the tubers still intact on a rack and kept the room at 50°. Within 24 hours my tubers went from being firm to being spongy. Can you tell me is this normal and are they viable to plant in the ground next year? Love your channel thank you in advance.

  5. I love the name “Saving Grace”! I think God approves of that one! Love love your channel Danielle! I grew seed dahlias this year and didn’t think about saving those seeds but now I am! ❤

  6. Thank you so much for showing the seeds from the Dahlia's! First time I'm saving them and this is so helpful! Love the name,"Saving Grace"! Have a great day!

  7. Hi Danelle, I learn so much from you. I was looking for a way to contact you with some questions, but am not seeing any contact info other than the comments so… I would so appreciate (and maybe others would too) some information or clarification for when to order what. For example, you turned me onto lilies – but should I be ordering and planting them in the fall or the spring – or does it matter? I live in mountains of Colorado, 4B, and my lilies (first time I’ve tried them) bloomed SO late so the leaves never had a chance to turn brown before we got our first hard frost (and snow). Will the lilies come back next year as a result of that? Should I be ordering more now? The ground hasn’t frozen solid yet – but not far away – should I be planting lilies now? Another question – you got me so excited about amaryllis so I ordered some, and they arrived! I don’t want them all blooming at Christmas – so do I put them in the dark somewhere, or the fridge and ‘hold them’ so I can stagger their blooming? I heard on a podcast to plant them in a small pot and stick them somewhere cold and dark – so I shouldn’t just leave the bulb to sit until I’m ready, but plant it now? Our growing zones are so different, but I have applied so much that I’ve learned from you!

  8. I have loved the seed dahlias this year and will definitely be looking for different types for next year. I do mulch up my oak leaves but I have to pick up acorns before I cover the beds…some are actually starting to sprout.

    Love “saving Grace” dahlias! So good to know our God saves!

  9. Hi Danielle, love your channel. I have a question (that can be answered by anyone 😊) If all of my bulbs planted from last year are up already, what do you recommend? The daffodil foliage is up almost 6 inches. Do I just try and mulch as best as possible? Thanks in advance for the help!

  10. would enjoy a tour of your larger shrubs in your landscape. love the way they break up your yard in different rooms

  11. Ok wait what!!!! I have always thought that my mower doesn’t chop leaves small enough WHO KNOWS THIS !!! I feel so silly not to think of that lol THANK YOU !


  13. I just got a surprise too this year with a reblooming iris, that I didn't know rebloomed when I bought it. Also thanks tremendously for turning me on to the book cool flowers!!! Got it from the library and am planning to buy my own copy, been experimenting with winter sowing, hardy annuals, etc. THIS BOOK IS INVALUABLE for this subject. Thanks again!!😀

  14. I plant some snowdrops every year- they are so cheerful just when we need it in mid and late winter! I think mine have always bloomed after I plant them in the fall, but I have so many small bulbs tucked away in every corner that I might not have noticed if they didn’t bloom their first year!

  15. That is very complete information, thank you🙂🌺
    I always dig up clumps of Snowdrops in the area where I live ( Holland) and set them in my garden.🌼 They always flower🙂

  16. I have the same problem with my peonies. Is there any way to prevent it? It doesn't effect the blooms but I'd like to do more, if I can.

  17. Great tips! Now I have to plant tulip bulbs around my peonies, never thought to do that! The timing will be perfect! 🌷

  18. Great tips on labeling the dahlias and how to save the seeds. I have received some seed company emails recently and it is very surprising to see the cost of some of the seed, so anytime you can save your own is even more important. Had a question, do the tuberous dahlias also produce seeds on their flower heads?

  19. Can’t wait to see the snow drops come up great place to put them thanks for sharing your seed col😊lection ideas ❤ Karen from Port Macquarie NSW Australia 🐳🌊🦇🐨🦘👒🧤💐💌

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