Front Yard Garden

EP 36 – Silver Blaze – The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Podcast

In this classic mystery, Holmes and Watson journey to Dartmoor to solve the case of the missing racehorse, Silver Blaze (and to find the murderer of poor John Straker, too)! Also, we learn about director Brian Mills, cast members David John and Sally Faulkner reflect on their experiences with Jeremy Brett, and Luke and Gus examine numerous trifles (from wax vestas to cataract knives). Plus, listener telegrams!

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Sherlockian Relics:

0:00 Silver Blaze
8:00 Supporting cast biographies
8:30 David John interview excerpt
11:40 Silver Blaze
13:33 Malcom Storry biography
15:34 Silver Blaze
17:10 Sally Faulkner interview excerpt
19:29 Silver Blaze
24:30 Peter Barkworth biography
28:11 Silver Blaze
38:36 Brian Mills biography
40:09 Silver Blaze
41:17 Discussion with Gus and Luke
1:39:16 Mrs. Hudson’s Housekeeping
1:42:22 Sherlockian Relics Vol.2 update
1:48:00 Mrs. Hudson’s Housekeeping
1:51:10 Listener Telegrams


  1. Oh man, marmite, i had to push myself to finish a big bottle. It's good yes but the taste…. >.<

  2. A neighbor took care of an unknown thoroughbred without reporting its unexplained arrival? I'll have to re-watch it now.

  3. IMDb credits Derek Pykett as the "Gipsy" in "Silver Blaze". Does anybody know where this "gipsy" appears in the episode?

    The 2 stable lads sleeping in the loft when Edith wakes them up…one is "Bill". Is the other one "Nobby"? I can never make out what name she's using.

    John Hawkesworth's name isn't spelled this way? <- This is how it was spelled in the opening credits for "Silver Blaze" in the episode I watched.

  4. Looking forward to this and all the others to follow.
    Peter Barkworth was a great actor.
    I'd love to see if you can track down the boy who sticks out his tongue in the titles and the policeman who goes to clip him round the ear. Every time I see the show I wonder what happened to them

  5. 1:17:10 Almost certainly the real reason is there was just no direction for the background actors, but if we want to play the game (which, of course!), I think a somewhat plausible "in-canon" reason would be maybe in late 1800's Dartmoor the folks wouldn't be used to seeing a world famous detective, or celebrity, like Holmes, so they're transfixed on his figure! Another amazing episode of my favorite podcast!

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