Container Gardening

How to plant Onion Sets – Onion Container Garden

Just a Shropshire Lad, doing a bit on the days when he can.

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  1. I normally sort through the sets and pick out the better sized ones for proper onions and the tiny ones I plant close together and like you, eat them as spring onions. Cheers for the vid. Take care.

  2. Nice job . Last year i had no luck with onions or garlic , lets see how it goes this year . Planted my potatoes as well . Back home in Portugal we use the ashes from the fireplace or bbq to spread on the ground for the garlic , do you do the same here in England ? My grandad use to hang old tin's and pieces of metal , on the fruit trees , to make noise in the wind , to scare the birds , or else they would eat the fruit (quince , plums, grapes ,etc ) .

  3. I stopped growing from sets simply because the varieties are limited. So I start seeds indoors Jan-Feb & transplant outdoors once they're big enough.

    The beer can on a stick is a great idea! If I didn't use some sort of bird deterrent the robins & flickers would pluck all of my onions out of the dirt, lol. I've got an endless supply of small garden stakes, so I stick them randomly around my onion beds & tie 12" strips of flash tape to the tops. So far this has worked well to scare off the birds until my onions can fend for themselves.

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