
Garden Lessons of 2020 | Garden Tips & Tricks from an Amateur Gardener

As an Amateur Gardener, I’m sure I’ll have many more lessons to learn. Here are a few of the garden experiments that I ran this year and their outcomes. The garden teaches perseverance and patience. Definitely skills that I could use some growing in. Although there have been some lessons, not failures, there has also been great success. The garden has a way about it to keep your ego in check. Right when you think you have control over nature, it hits back with an opportunity to grow as a person. I think maybe that’s why so many people agree that “Gardening is the best therapy.” Thanks for coming along with me on this journey. I’ll keep working on my video skills. If there is anything that you would like to critique, encourage, or comment about, please just comment below. If you’d like to follow along with our blog as well. You can visit us at

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