Japanese Garden

Why are Japanese Gardens so loud?

Japanese gardens are often peaceful places, but in the summer — they’re loud! No, it’s not Tokyo’s traffic and construction but the bugs! My friend Rodger from Tokyo Comedy Network (also a outdoor guide around Japan) is here to give us an insight into the city bug world.

Rodger’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIOwqkaZ6b4zrHFyYNCT5dg TOKYO COMEDY NETWORK

We are here: Kyu Shiba Rikyu Garden
一丁目-4 Kaigan, 港区 Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 105-0022


  1. I love it when you suddenly go into ADHD mode and you start free-associating (cold blooded “killahs”). 😂

    And that was so cool to see what cicadas look like up close. In Michigan, I’d find those casings on pine trees. Never saw one alive up close before. I can totally tell they creep you out 😂😂

  2. 昔、小学生の頃メダカすくいに来たことがある。

  3. Growing up as a kid I loved them here!!! Catching them or saving them from magpie birds trying to attack them we had a common green colour, brown colour or black colour the shell they get out of is amazing there life!!!!

  4. This sound is burned into my mind because I played Harvest Moon 64 as a kid and the summer season would have this sound…….Also I lived in Okinawa.

  5. I live in Florida, but I also lived in Fukuoka for 4 years .. without air conditioning it was much hotter in Southern Japan than Tokyo …. But even in Florida which was 103 today with 89% humidity we know NOT to wear Black t-shirts and wool caps in heat and then complain about the heat in an entire video .. suggest you change your apparel to suit the weather ??????

  6. Good to know this kind of place exists in the midst of the concrete jungle, and I like the touches of history associated with it too. I'd go there for lunch if working close by for sure.

  7. Enjoyed your tour of this neighborhood garden! It would be so nice if you'd also take us on a tour of Rikugien Garden. It reminded me of this park – it was very serene with a traditional teahouse. Located right in the middle of an ordinary neighborhood. So relaxing inside. Chao!

  8. Another name for the bugs is kaytidid. They are about 18 years old when u see them. They spend the first 18 years of there life under ground.

  9. Grew up in southeast US with the cicadas, and my wife and I hear them each night when we take our walks in VA now. Thank you for the videos.

  10. Have you ever shared your profession on one of your older videos? I know you cannot survive on youtube videos..Are you a speaker or teacher somewhere in Japan? Thank you so much for any feedback..

  11. The media are going to love all the noise during the Olympics in 2020! It's going to drive the sound engineers crazy! LOL

  12. If you travel to the southern part of Europe like Greece, Turkey, Spain and so on, you can her them as well. Impressing how a little bug can make so much noise.

  13. I love that sound and I would especially hear it in Mexico. The cicada get loud though but it is nice to hear.

  14. That was surprizingly educational stream, John, thank you!
    Cicadas are very weird creatures. Sounds like… I don't know… circular saw + thermenwox 🙂

  15. I don't mind the bug sounds, it's relaxing for me. Kind of like white noise.

  16. I watched almost all your videos with my girlfriend and we are ready for Japan, because we are going in two weeks from now.
    But one question do you have any tips in how to film at night with the Tokyo flickering?

  17. I’m in Japan for a few more weeks! I would love to attend one of you meet ups on a weekend!! Please 🤞🏽

  18. I’ve never been to Japan, but the minute I saw this video title I told my kids, “I bet this is about cicadas” LOL

  19. Little did John know that Roger is a ciccada that morphed to human form and is preparing John to becoming a ciccada.

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