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True Leaf Market Seeds, a GREAT heirloom seed company! –

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True Leaf Market Seeds, a GREAT heirloom seed company! –

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  1. My wife is at her church today after being invited by her pastor to give a talk to the congregation about how to do prepping and the reasons why it’s important! I think this should of happened months ago but better late than never I suppose! I don’t know if this is a one time event or the opportunity to build a prepping community. Guess we will see!

  2. I went to a restaurant and the waitress said that the child eat for free..I said great, i will have a glass of water, she wants a steak, salad, baked potato and a kids beer..😀😅😂🤣

  3. Warning….camera on tree behind you Travis…. ; -) Wood ash = potash…..Urine = urea… Leaf mold, grass clippings, kitchen waste, sawdust, burn bones in the woodstove and get bone meal.
    Compost is absolutely essential in coming times, get it started now!

  4. Added 9 Guinea keets and two guard dog puppies today. Homestead is growing. I have one bossy Isa Brown that has been told her new name will be dog food if she doesn’t calm down. She thinks she runs the place

  5. Same thing happened with my garlic. I ordered then planted and realized I needed more then they were sold out everywhere plus the squirrels dug up some, ugh!

  6. Still looking for a group in Virginia if you hear of any.

  7. I can only do what I can do, which isn’t much…
    But, I will do this; I will look to The LORD for where my Help will come.

  8. I’ve grown garlic for 30 years from bulbs my aunt gave me. Save back your biggest bulbs and replant. My bulbs are 10-14 cloves average so 10 bulbs will give you 120 new plants. You don’t need to buy it every year.

  9. So…with the dry Mississippi River, how do we still supply international interest? Americans might not have enough for themselves.

  10. Regular food will be pretty tough to buy once we go cashless, 'they'll' decide what you can and can't eat, so start getting used to different varieties of bugs. Other than that, we'll be just fine and I'm sure the illegal migrants will be doing their fair share to help out.

  11. Here in Australia we are under water on the eastern seaboard, crops destroyed, due to continuous cool & wet weather, even home gardening is failing, I suppose should be grateful that their is predictions for a huge reduction in world population, hopefully that will wake up those those that are left & take back control of this planet🍀

  12. I BELIEVE you are a very sincere person! I’ve been watching not long after you got started ! I would love so much if you could share things about your farm life and homeschooling your children. I’ve become overwhelmed with all the channels . They are all saying the same things! It’s too much on a daily basis. There are blessings to share from the FATHER to encourage one another IN these days of TROUBLE !
    Thank you

  13. The food shortage next year will easily be compensated for by the people shortage and so PLEASE go and get your booster shots so I can continue to feed my family.

  14. We are all being challenged in these times to Truley EARN our KEEP!! Good luck to all! Become a producer not a corporate consumer of goods. Going Back to the old ways may not be so bad after all, You have more independence with the homesteading lifestyle and it is a healthier way to live…….

  15. I appreciate your content, I watch daily. I
    Starting prepping in 2020, I'm in the dexter area I want to make it to one of your meetings some day when I have the gas money, looking to meet like minded peeps

  16. Don’t rely on farmers. They’ll be the first to starve and here’s why; last year we drove through NE, KS and CO looking at land. Spent summer and fall driving all over these states. Every single farm was commercial grain and cattle. Each farm exceeded 1,000 acres and was monocropped, highly specialized and had infrastructure to handle planting, harvesting and storage of grain. Not one farm… NOT ONE, had so much as a small hobby garden.

    These farmers have the resources to be self-sufficient, but they choose to chase fiat currency in lieu of food security. Sure, they purchase their beef from a neighbor, but everything else come from the grocery. My wife and I were in awe at how little prepared these massive, gargantuan producers were, despite having millions of dollars, thousands of acres and all the equipment at their fingertips.

    If a food shortage hits, they’ll be the first to go as the grocery, which they are dependent on, is small and in the middle of no where. Small and isolated means few trips and even fewer commodities to deliver. There were no trees and no water… just miles of corn, wheat and millet for as far as you could see, which were interrupted by huge 30,000 grain bins, dump pots and 50’ tall grain legs.

    The food we require for sustenance will be produced at home – NOT on these large commercial farms, which by the way are participating in the new biotech initiative to introduce nanotechnology into crops. Many of the large grain companies and packers are contracting with producers to grow these new biotech crops.

  17. Everyone talks about learning to garden but no one talks about learning to make quality compost. SMFH…

  18. Get practicing gardening skills now guys! We started gardening in the pandemic for mental health and boy its been a learning curve, even with 2 years under our belt we still don't produce barely what wed need to feed our family all year (and we live in a Mediterranean climate where u can grow something pretty much all year long). Also learn to seed save. Some seeds are easy to save but others require a little more work, so learn and practice because if food really is gone off shelves then seeds will be bought up quickly too. Get heirloom varieties, most hybrids you cant save the seeds

  19. Please do not tel people you have a garden. The USDA wants every person to “register their home garden because it benefits the whole community”. Then they put your location on a public site and you have your own thumbtack identifying you as a home gardener.

  20. Russia is adding 500,000 tons of grain for export and is willing to give it for free to the neediest countries. As it turns out, 40% of the grain earmarked for Africa coming out of Ukraine was siphoned off into the EU (European Union.)

  21. I believe folks will really start feeling the food crisis in 2024. Now till 2023 they will be seeing increasing.

  22. Food is already outrageously expensive. I'm glad we've stored up a few years worth of food and ammo. Water storage is a problem however… Advice?

  23. The government says inflation is 8.2%. I call bullshit. Can anyone name one thing, just one thing that has gone up by 8.2%? I haven't. Every damn thing has gone up 20%-100%. Or more. We are being bled dry. That is the whole point. Stock up and get ready to fight! It's going to get ugly soon. The assholes masquerading as a government are going to throw us aside like a old chicken bone!

  24. What is the mark of the beast? The main passage in the Bible that mentions the “mark of the beast” is Revelation 13:15-18. Other references can be found in Revelation 14:9, 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, and 20:4. The mark of the beast is a mark that will be placed on a person’s forehead or right hand in the end times as a sign of allegiance to the Antichrist (Revelation 13:15–18). Further, no one will be allowed to engage in commerce without the mark (Revelation 13:17). It appears that some form of worship of the Antichrist is associated with receiving the mark (Revelation 14:9; 16:2), and those who refuse to worship the image of the beast will be killed (Revelation 13:15).

  25. Ephesians 6:10–12 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” This text teaches some crucial truths: we can only stand strong in the Lord’s power, it is God’s armor that protects us, and our battle is ultimately against spiritual forces of evil in the world.

  26. Travis, not to “Subtract From The Important Message” I just would like to say from a “Health & Fitness” Perspective…You’re “Slimming Down & Looking Fit!” You Inspire “The Over 40 Crowd…To Do The Same!” Keep Speaking! WE ARE LISTENING 🫡

  27. Farmers in Kansas are still holding on to their grain to get a higher price. There's a LOT of grain just sitting. The farmer's wife needs her new Mercedes.

  28. Organic food from local stores like Earth Fare, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s etc. garlic from Aldi is from China

  29. This year was the year of the squirrel apocalypse in my local area. I put out thousands of sprouts and cuttings. The squirrels ate all of it. It gets discouraging. They are attacking the pumpkins put out for Halloween. That never happened here before. The squirrels are very fat this year that says it is going to be a long cold winter.

  30. If you do not eat wheat please be aware that if wheat and items made from wheat increase in price people will shift from that grain to another grain so you will not escape the effects of increased prices. And if you use premade meals check the ingredients you will find a large number of those packages contain wheat.

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