
@houseplantjournal: At my friend’s place: a Dracaena marginata in an oversized pot, which is not ide…

At my friend’s place: a Dracaena marginata in an oversized pot, which is not ideal but acceptable with very bright light. When freshly potted, foliage growth will almost stop while roots try to establish themselves (i.e. tap roots go deeper and root hairs start anchoring). In such a large pot, this process takes longer. More water can also be left unused by the plant, which may get used by other organisms that cause root rot. This is why bright light is so important – it will keep the plant strong despite other suboptimal conditions. This balcony window faces west. The plant sits just to the side to avoid direct sun #houseplants #plantlove #foliage #indoorplants #plantlife #urbanjunglebloggers #dracaena #dracaenamarginata #plantcare #plantrant

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