Container Gardening

Parsnip & Carrot Pots Container Gardening [Gardening Allotment UK] [Home Growing Veg ]

Gardening Allotment UK Please Like & Subscribe and join us doing Allotment Gardening Container Gardening plus more
For me growing is a passion there is nothing more satisfying than a year round supply of home grown fruit and vegetables
I have lots of useful hints and tips to help others sow & grow fresh fruit and vegetables’ all year long .
If you would like to make a small donation to this Channel to help towards costs you can do this via the Super Thanks button below every video i upload or via the Paypal Donation Button and it would be gratefully appreciated Thank You for being part of this Channel
If you would like to make a small donation to help me with costs of compost seeds pots & trays etc you can do so below thank you for your support
I also grow Flowers from seed and plugs its always a challenge to grow something new every year follow me this year as i will be making videos of everything i plant and sow & how to grow
Spring & Summer will be here before you know it
Ivans Garden UK


  1. That's really helpful, thank you. I already have some carrots under way in a container, I must get some parsnips going too. On the topic of containers – I know a farmer and got 2 very large black containers from him, they're calf feed containers and once they're empty they need to get rid of them. I've got 5 seed potatoes on the go in each one, just needed to drill drainage holes.

  2. Great valuable information, thanks Ivan. Did you manage to get any black ex container buckets. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Who would have thought carrots would grow in a container. I'm going to try this method.

  4. Thanks for the tips Ivan…. I definitely don’t want a Bev and Trev in my containers hahaha!! 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Great tip about the cling film. Have grown carrots in buckets for several years with great success, not having had decent crops in the raised beds. Not had much luck with parsnips so will try this way. Best wishes J

  6. Lovely job. Got a few pots that size so will give it a go I reckon. Hope they don't turn out like my icon.

  7. OMG I think i am addicted to your channel …so much more helpful than some of the other Uk Gardening channels I have come across and watched. I am a complete black thumb and am actually growing some veg. I really like your simplicity as well. Thank you. Would you plant carrots seeds now or am I too late?

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