
August Garden Tips and Projects: P. Allen Smith (2019)

10 gardening tips and projects for August from Garden Home Host P. Allen Smith.

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Topics Include:
Mulching Tomatoes
Watermelon Tomato Salad Recipe
First Time Gardener Mistakes
How to Repel Wasps Naturally
Crocosmia Varieties
DIY Butterfly Puddles
Holly Hedges for Screening
Pruning Espalier Trees
Growing Cannas
Micro Blooms with Big Impact

“I think it’s important that we savor all the goodness that summer gives us. Here are some tips to keep your garden full of color and your harvest baskets stuffed to capacity.” ~ P. Allen Smith

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  1. I know I'm probably the only melon hater in the USA, but this recipe actually looks so delicious. I'm growing watermelon for my family and I think I might give this a shot.

  2. Hi Mr. Allen Smith and thanks for these greats tips. I love yours videos and I followed you for long time first in tv. I live in the tropic and we have many differents cannas. I plant them in containers because they are very invasive but they are beautiful. 🍉🏝🌞

  3. I always look at the lobelias and see Yosemite Sam’s hat. Man, did I just date myself. Lol. Thank you so much for all these great tips and helpful hints. You sure make me think before I plant. Thank you for making me be a more responsible gardener. Have a super great day 😃

  4. Hahaha the joke's on me. I assumed (and we know what that means lol) because I don't have a garden, live in the desert and only have one house plant atm, that there wouldn't be anything in these "monthly garden tips & projects" videos. I was wrong :). May try that mudpie for the butterflies. I live on the 2nd floor and have a covered lanai, but who knows maybe I'll attract a few to my patio 🙂 Thanks for the tips, always learn something from you P.Allen. 🙂

  5. Thanks so much for your wonderful videos. I'm hoping that you, or one of your knowledgeable views can help solve a garden problem. Years ago I naively planted a single pot of Gooseneck Loostrife. It took over one area, I dug it all out, and thought that was that. Over the next 5 years I dug it out 3 more times, even spraying ( in desperation) with Roundup, and then I gave up. It has now taken over 3/4 of the flower bed, destroying swaths of perennials. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

  6. I put three tablespoons of borax to the simple syrup and ants will take It back to the colony and kill the queen with the brood…

  7. Love this video. Thanks for the information on the Needlepoint Holly as a living screen. Is that good in zone 5b? I want to hide a short chain link fence for privacy from four dogs and their humans. I love the fact if you don't trim it it can get really, REALLY, REALLY tall!!!!! I'm hoping I can have it in zone 5b. If not, any suggestions for an evergreen that grows tall fast for 5B? Thanks again.

  8. I so love your videos! I just bought a beautiful 27 acre property and I want to just jump in and conquer everything! It is so exciting, but I'm a bit overwhelmed , so I will take your advice and take it slowly! I'm on Bedford Lake in Bedford, Virginia! The mountain views are gorgeous! , thank you so much for sharing your expertise and knowledge! !!! Renée

  9. Just found your channel. I enjoy learning new gardening tips. When you talk about different plant could you let us know what zones they grow best in.

  10. Basil always says full sun and my basil turns to crispy critters. Ive learned to partial shade them for better yield. Also, bone meal and egg shells stopped my blossom end rot on tomatoes. Allen and me: gin in the gloaming, garden stroll and late night kitchen tomato sandwiches.

  11. very helpful garden tip, im going to roll around in my garden as so as i can, lets be youtbe mate ?

  12. Does the peppermint oil solution work for wasps in ground nests, too? I’d fix up a barrel full if it would kill them, I always seem to find those AFTER running over them with a mower.

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