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Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor | Science Fiction Audiobook

Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor | Science Fiction Audiobook

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“She’s the adopted daughter of the Angel of Death. Beware of her. Mind her. Death guards her like one of its own.”
The day Fatima forgot her name, Death paid a visit. From hereon in she would be known as Sankofa­­–a name that meant nothing to anyone but her, the only tie to her family and her past.
Her touch is death, and with a glance a town can fall. And she walks–alone, except for her fox companion–searching for the object that came from the sky and gave itself to her when the meteors fell and when she was yet unchanged; searching for answers.
But is there a greater purpose for Sankofa, now that Death is her constant companion?

#Audiobook #ScienceFiction #ScienceFictionFantasy


  1. About 10 minutes in I was thinking that I've read stuff like this before, and I don't usually like it. Do I really want to invest any more time in this? An hour later, I'm hooked! This well illustrates how excellent storytelling and prose can overcome cultural prejudices. If you like this' check out the movie "Countryman".

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