Japanese Garden

Simple Bonsai Projects for Beginners

In this video we will shape two nursery trees into bonsai in a simple way. A good start for any bonsai beginner.

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🎹 Music is from imovie and is called Newborn


  1. We don't ever get tired of good news Sir Peter! Any lesson is a great lesson, especially from you!

  2. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 thanks Peter

  3. It is a beautifull tree! Love it as always, thank you for your efforts to teach everyone loving bonsai how to go about it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Quite a dramatic transformation of both trees. Thanks for your thoughts and inspiration, keep growing

  5. I 💕 Peter and his particularity of being like Picasso, he always achieves productivity and high quality, he is the best ratio of creativity in this field. Watching his videos is a significant personal enrichment.

  6. Feeling it’s time for an Autumn stroll around the nursery video?
    Thanks. Richard

  7. How long would you keep the wire on the first pine tree that you worked with? What are the size's of the two wires?

  8. Thank you as always for your wonderful teachings sir Peter. Just listening to your voice is so soothing. Much love 🙏

  9. Lovely video Peter and josh! Really enjoy watching the thought process behind each masterpiece. 👏👏

  10. Not only a video, my copy of Bonsai Masterclass arrived today from across the pond, what a wonderful birthday gift! Some day soon we need to travel to Herons and have you sign it and the original. Thank you Peter for many years of bonsai wisdom.

  11. Very nice. 2 questions, if you please. 1. Why are pine trees grafted?
    2. When you tilt a tree to the side, do you eventually cut off the now exposed roots?
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Theses videos have helped me greatly. 👍

  12. Another nice post to help me relax on the subway ,thank you. Did you root those cuttings ? Looked great. Top marks.

  13. Hello Peter! Great video. How worried should I be about pruning nursery stock like this in Autumn? I recently pruned a small spruce (I am a beginner) and was alarmed to read online that pruning can be quite dangerous in the fall. Any tips on keeping my plants healthy after fall pruning? Thanks again!

  14. Peter should get one of those clip-on mics, sometimes its a bit difficult to hear what he is saying, nonetheless, great video as always 🙂

  15. lovely…and you didn't disappoint me by doing what I expected by cutting those big chunks off…now off to find a suitable pine 🙂

  16. Wow. Great demonstration. My weakest is conifers. You have inspired me. 🙏🏼

  17. Another great lesson from you Peter. It’s always pleasant when you share your long years doing bonsai. I tried to buy shirts at Herons shop but unfortunately you don’t send to Brasil. Grettings from Rio de Janeiro. Roberto

  18. I am SOOO excited! Friends just gave me two small Wilma Goldcrest Lemon Cypress trees about 2 feet tall where I work! And I got to visit another flower/plant nursery next door to where I work and they had a massive bougainvillea cuttings area – their "mother" bougainvillea looked like a severely cut back bonsai! They are super successful at cuttings and now I have a lot to learn from them. They have lots of unique plants and I'm drooling over which ones to add to my bonsai collection.

  19. I bought two pots of Picea n. 'Little Gem' at Lowe's (here in Oregon). Such a gorgeous plant. I trimmed one into bonsai and I'm letting the other one grow for now. Your video is so timely, Peter. Thank you.

  20. Thank you…. 🙏 😔 🙏

    Dr. Chan, you are NEVER mad, you are "BOLD and cut with GUSTO and a FLOURISH". I think this sums it up quite nicely, because you know where you are going long before you make the first snip,,,, thus you can make a cut on small tree with loppers.

    I liked your shirt, too.

    🙏 🖖 🙏 😔 🙏 🙏🙏

  21. Hi Peter,
    Would you be able to share some content on examples of what nursery material starting out like this might become in 1,3,5 or 10 years ?

  22. I just plucked a pine on my way home from by train tracks by my house on Monday. I'm nervous so acclimating it to the house and hydrating because it was dry. I pulled the orange from it and now been wondering what shape I'll give it when I've mist it in the morning.
    I'm not sure what pine type it is but it is about a third of the one in the video.
    My question kinda is I don't have wire to use and tend to use twine and rock weights. Does that take longer then wire you can wear tight or about same?

  23. Thank you 🙏 for your information, I am just try second air layer this morning. I had started a cutting into a root over rock, and now I think it’s ready for a hard prune back to the lowest branch.. so I’m hoping to propagate the top section, witch will be nice because it has some good shape I would have never had the confidence to do all this without yours and all the other good videos. Love and blessings to all.

  24. A quick question – did an airlayer of a dawn redwood in july that is now showing significant roots. Do I wait until spring to separate or should I do it now and keep in unheated greenhouse? Thanks. Richard

  25. I have learned so much in last 6 months by watching ALL the videos here and trying to practice everything but I have a gap in my understanding about how to develop the apex in different species. Would be amazing if Peter could do a video focusing on this? Thanks. Richard

  26. The trouble with your videos is that everytime I watch one, I feel the need to go out and find material to work on. It is very addictive. I just don't have enough space to keep so many plants! 😅

  27. I've been buying clearance trees and shrubs to start trying some bonsai next spring. I also have a fair amount of young trees growing around my garden so hope to make them into bonsai as well. I love the videos could watch them all day!

  28. I was just given a picea globosa from a nursery I spent plenty of money at for free. Perfect timing Peter!!!

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