Garden Design

At home with Joanna Plant in her comfortable, timeless interiors | Design Notes

When interior designer Joanna Plant and her husband Nick first saw their 1920s house in west London it was, by all accounts, something of an ugly duckling, yet they saw potential in it. “It’s evolved a lot,” she explains, “but it’s been very, very slow, and there was never a plan. I think for that reason, it doesn’t feel decorated, which I find I like at home. I don’t really want to live in an overly coordinated, thought-through home.” Asked to summarise the values that she aims for in her professional work, Joanna promptly names comfort, timelessness and “a touch of glamour”, and all three can be seen in the house.

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  1. Wow! I love everything about this house (and garden) 🪴 I love the style and practicality of everything. You instantly feel relaxed and homely.

  2. I'm so jealous — the bedroom is breathtaking, the enveloping wallpaper, something out of this world. I have to watch it again

  3. Lovely. Enjoyed all plus the garden. Really liked the bedroom paper and how she used the coord fabric.

  4. The wallpapered bedroom is a bit suffocating but not the bathroom. The rest of the house and the garden is quite lovely really.

  5. Thank you for a wonderful tour of your home. Light, inviting and effortlessly presented. All the hallmark’s of creating a space that comes from your heart not a catalogue.

  6. I love the warmth and coziness of the house especially the master bedroom and bathroom unlike American homes with 9 foot tall rooms and huge windows.

  7. Lovely, inviting, warm home! I absolutely fell in love with both inside and outside as one seems to just flow into the other! Gorgeous!!!

  8. I love these Design Notes. I wish you would do one with Sophie Dahl. I would love to see inside her house.

  9. Mi venus en tauro casa 4 se retuerce de alegría x dios quiero vivir ahi

  10. This video caught my eye because we have the same last name. Now I'm glad I did. What a lovely home.

  11. How lovely it all was, though some of it not to my taste. What a lovely woman and ethos for their home.

  12. What an incredible home. It's always interesting to see how people like her live, but oftentimes the homes look overly done or too stuffy and show home-ish.

    This place is super inviting and cozy. I love how she mentioned that the couch is covered in this extremely expensive fabric that they use to lounge in and let the dogs climb on. I love the utilitarian kitchen countertop, the art. That library is just stunning. I wish I could have kept all the books I've owned with me as I moved around, but I'd be swimming in them by now lol.

    At first I thought that wall paper was too much in the bedroom, but as she talked about it I came to love it as well. Her philosophy of how she makes her home beautiful but cozy and useful is the best. Beautifully filmed as well.

  13. I love this house and I'd have to say my favorite thing is the gilded light fixture in the library but even more than that, I just love the fact that she has every book that she's ever owned from childhood. Books just make a house. Love it love it!

  14. Not in love with her bedroom wallpaper. Still, it's a cozy home, and very well organized. I have a very small kitchen and not enough storage space, so I also have a shelving unit for dishes etc. I don't want to see that stuff, though, so I hang draperies over it and on the side. The curtains match the kitchen.

  15. Enjoyed your tour of your home with great ideas especially the picture placement as I bought a 1960s cottage I have new ideas for my renovations.

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