Front Yard Garden

Front Yard Garden Tour July 2020

Welcome to my Front Yard ๐Ÿ™‚ Things are growing nicely. The Gourds are taking over and I kinda Love it ๐Ÿ™‚ The Colocasia esculenta are doing AMAZING this year as well ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Great tour Bill! Wonderful progress! A thought on the peony, I recall my Gramma saying that they would take a few years to bloom as they don't like to be transplanted. So we tend to move/transplant ours in late fall or very early spring, they wake up and don't know that they've moved! Ours are currently in a spot where they only get late afternoon sun, they bloom a bit later and the blooms last longer. Is it location? Soil? No clue, but love them regardless. The front driveway border is looking super grand! The pumpkin patch is such a wonderful idea, I look forward to more updates!
    All the best to you & your gardens Bill! Take care, Ruth

  2. Bill things are really filling in and your yard is so interesting! Great job! HOpe you get some pumpkins!

  3. Your garden is nice and neat.
    Regarding your peony, I have found that they are picky in getting settled in the soil. If planted too deep, this will delay flowering for a few years. If the nearby root soil is tilled or disturbed, it will delay flowering. Once they are acclimated and the roots have formed well and most importantly left alone, they will bloom. After all, most live longer than the home owner, time is on their side. Happy gardening! โœŒ๐Ÿฝ

  4. Hey I was checking out videos on how to grow sweet autumn from cutting. And found your video , 8YEARS OLD, can u please tell me the update about it coz I'm about to do one , so plz do let me know โœจ

  5. hello I'm just suggests u can cook flower male and leaves together with eggs and onion or with pakbet Tagalog it's was nice to taste๐Ÿ˜

  6. I donโ€™t understand the thing with gourds. Do you eat them or just use them as decorations? So many people grow them, but I donโ€™t know why.

  7. Wow. Love how the front matured!!! Amazing from last year. Crazy about the small strip between the drive ways. The hydrangeas, sunflowers, and the elephant ears (?) with the pollinators are amazing together. Question: could you show an indepth video on the balloon plants? I have some and love them but they're so sensitive… clearly named right. I was hoping you can share tricks on transplanting them without the shock and propagation methods to get it to spread. Maybe even splitting the plants up. — love seeing the pumpkin patch too! Maybe bury a large perforated water jug (the once from an office that needs to be replaced)… maybe two or three within your patch. That way you font have to water every single day! Maybe 3 times a day???? Make getting the hose out kind of worth it.

  8. I seriously love your channel so much. Like the thoroughness with which you talk about your garden is really refreshing. Easy to understand, insightful, tons of perspective and personal experience. Thank you for posting! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. This is a beautiful garden, especially the backyard. You have so many pretty plants. I'm mostly into plumerias but the banana trees are really breathtaking.
    Thanx for the videos, they're really inspirering

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