Container Gardening

Potting bench tour, Dollar Tree gardening haul, and my container garden!

Take a tour of my potting bench, enjoy a Dollar Tree gardening items haul, and a peek at my 2016 container garden!

World Market potting bench (*not* an affiliate link):

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  1. How did all your plants do this year? I tried a traditional garden, but after getting pregnant (hello, morning sickness) I got waaaay behind on pulling weeds. I'm thinking containers may be the way to go next year.

  2. I dont trust products from China and some other countries. Dont trust American products made in China. Check out the videos on China's pollution. Horrible! People even wear face masks to breathe. Also I boycott all Chinese made products including Chinese Resturants. This country allows for the consumption of companion animals-Pets.. Dog and cat meat trade. Thousands of dogs raised for the table regularly. Murdered and tortured by these Monsters. Often skinning, or boiling alive, beaten to death to raise the adrenaline claiming this action tenderizes the meat of an animal which is an Asian myth. These are cold hearted cultures. Keep these countries out of American. Shut the door on trade. Sickening, and Barbaric. Clean up your act China. I only wish people would get more educated and end polluted and dangerous products from the U.S. and other countries which our government officals accept the decisions paid by lobbist to these parasites we elect. Wake up. Share with animal lovers and the uneducated. I wonder what all the toxins will come from your garden if you use their gardening section at dollar stores. Let me say also there are many good animal loving Chinese, that fight for the animals. But many who would not eat a pet, often look the other way. They have witness the inhumane slaughter. Many skinning stray or escaped pets on the streets. Dogs struggling, screaming, hung on poles and signs….gutted alive. U tube has videos, check humane society, Peta and etc. People, Chinese citizens just walk on by. Even the children are exposed to watching…… apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  3. Oh you didn't show how to do it!!! Did you mix in the wood chips. or put some on top? mulch, etc? Nice garden, thanks!

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