Front Yard Garden

Front Yard Food Forest Landscape | 1 year update

My roommate @JeremySmithbmx and I started a Ecological Landscape Project 1 year ago. Most of these plants in the Permaculture “Food Forest” are all either edible or medicinal is some way.
Landscaping this way not only helps to fight climate change by Regenerating the earth and strengthening the ecosystem but provides us with completely local organic and pesticide free Food!

Part 2: We go into the back yard!


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  1. Hi . here in P.R. wen we transplant the banana bud (baby) we cut it half the size .it prevent the plant from blowing with the wind and the plant puts the energy on rooting…

  2. "Yuca tree" is chaya (cnidoscolus aconitifolius), roselle (hibiscus subdarifa) strawberry tree is capulin (muntigia calabura)

  3. Love your food forest! We are a little further north than you, but you really inspired me about some different plants to try. Have you tried pineapple sage? It says to plant it in the sun, but in the south it does better shaded about 3/4 of the day. The summer heat makes them less productive, but when it cools off a little they really take off. The new leaves are tasty in salad, and the red flowers taste sweet and attract hummingbirds and insect pollinators.

  4. When your peas plant die. Dont rip them out. Let the root remain in the soil.. The nitrogen is stored there.. Once the microbes are present it will let the nitrogen back into the stoil

  5. Hi. The pomegranate's crown has gone black. Sorry but the plant needs help. N the fruit will soon rot. Tc. God bless.

  6. Hi i would also recommend find out info on food foraging in your country/area. I'm sure it will help a lot. Tc. Regards.

  7. I have a few jackfruits growing in my house in AK…. they sprout and grow so easy…if you get your hands on a jackfruit, just put the seeds in dirt, you'll have a few hundred trees per fruit.

  8. You should go to store buy a bag of dry beans like pinto beans and broadcast those throughout your garden. Great ground cover and nitrogen fixing.

  9. When you lay down your coffee grounds you want to take it in under the mulch because coffee grounds are a good source of nitrogen. But when you lay it on top as it releases the nitrogen it turns into a gas and goes into the air losing that nitrogen.

  10. Thank you for sharing, everything looks so lush and how great growing nutritionally dense healthy food looks fab. Curious, would you free range any chooks or ducks? We’re in temperate New Zealand and our food forest has a few of the same plants but many are different too. New Zealand native tree fuchsia edible berries and birds love them, shuttlecock ferns eat the shoots, bamboo, walking stick perennial kale, sunchoke, canna edulus, yacon, turmeric, galangal, ginger, lots of herbs Basil’s, fennel, mint, lettuce self seeds freely so does our root crops like carrots, beets, walking onions, kowhai trees for nitrogen fixing and birds, ice cream bean tree, Japanese raisin tree (rumoured to help hangovers), apples, pears, plums, soft fruit, citrus, nasturtium, honeysuckle, etc… id like to try cactus fruits like dragon fruit but our climate isn’t right for it perhaps you could! Totally awesome yard a true inspiration! I bet it was hard for some neighbors to adjust? When you discover food forests the way you look at a garden totally changes. Keep it up and keep up the updates to see the progress.

  11. I dont blame you guys. But why the f..k is half the food forest videos on youtube from Florida?? Not really helpful for me in Denmark.

  12. This Is great!!! I was trying to grow veggies when I first got this house and had a hell of a time with no luck I mulched the whole property and now learning more about what edible plants I can grow in St Pete. Thanks for all the info Its so helpful to see what can be grown locally!

  13. I am so proud of y’all 🦋 lemon grass makes an awesome tea! You do need a few moringa tree.
    Tip # Remember not to plant avocado or mangoes trees close to the house because of the roots, they can damage the sewer or go under the house.

  14. I belive your yuca is actualy a chaya tree, or mayan spinach tree. Because yuca is a palm, and chaya leaves are just as yours. It is a hypoglycemic plant, so after consuming it it will help to keep blood glucose levels low for people with diabetes. However it has some toxicity, it contains cyanide precursors as a defense mechanism. therefore you have to boil it 3 minutes before consuming it to avoid poisoning.
    Your food forest looks amazing, keep going!

  15. I'm so glad I found your channel you inspired me to grow a fruit and vegetable garden I live in south Florida and soil here is horrible but I watched one of your videos in how to fix sandy soil and you really inspired me. Thank you. Your new subscriber. 👍❤👏

  16. and your dog is a real dog he still has his nuts great he should live longer than a neutered sissy dog

  17. Have you put in some blue berries and some strawberries, your front yard looks awesome I am working on my front yard now my backs to a standard I am happy with 😊

  18. What kind of soil you use because I dig and put new soil but the sand take over and the root don’t get water so the dye

  19. Excuse me mr officer 👮 my neighbor is growing marijuana in the front yard. I think it’s the purple kush strain. Lmao . Minutes later, 30 cops show up to your front yard, guns drawn all for a cranberry hibiscus.

  20. Plant manggo from seed they are going to be huge and its good if you like shade near by

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