Vegetable Gardening

Eggplant Progress – Vegetable Gardening

Thanks for watching MiWilderness.


  1. I have never grown eggplant. I dont know what you can do for storing it. maybe dehydrating since it is a moisture heavy fruit like summer squash and zuccini. I dont know just making guesses right now

  2. I did a search for eggplant because I was looking for directions on how to can butternut squash. Eggplant can be pickled and canned using about the same cold pack method used for cucumbers.

  3. Thanks,

    How do you eat the eggplant Geza?

    Season technically ends on October 1 where I'm at, zone 5. But, it can be shorter or longer depending on the weather and crops.

  4. I'd like to find out. I looked for recipes and such online, but most are eggplant parmesan or something similar. I'd like to combine it with something and can it up. I'd think tomatoes would be a good choice, but can't find any recipes for it.

    Thanks Randy!

  5. OK, cool. I may just try that. I knew it could be pickled, but wasn't sure how it would taste. It seems that everything tastes good pickled though, 🙂

  6. I thought the flea beetles were going to kill them, but they slowly made a comeback and now are off the hook. I spaced them 5' apart and they are closing the gap.

    thanks! 🙂

  7. there is also a preservation method using spiced vegetable oil . That sounds shorter term to me for some reason.

  8. Thanks,

    I'm finding I like them too, but am looking for more ideas on different ways to prepare, preserve and cook them.

  9. Hi roosevelt,

    There is a Chinese dish called; Hot and sour egplant. It's really nice traditional dish in China and it's super tasty. i will email you a link


  10. They look really good. I finally have some growing on my plants but they sure don't look as good as your's do. Something keeps attacking the leaves, despite my spraying. Florida is just a difficult state to try to grow organically. Way too many bugs. Either that or I just don't know what I am doing. Could be both. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Thanks,

    My leaves get attacked too, if you look close there's holes all in the leaves on these plants, but they seem to have overcome the problem. Mine was Flea beetles and the dish soap took care of them enough to allow the plants to recover and grow. now they have Japanese beetles, but they don't seem to be doing much harm at the moment.

  12. How do you cook them? And I noticed the blue barrel.If you can get them free or cheap check out my vid on how to make self watering ones.Things grow real good in em.See Ya.

  13. We'll do eggplant Parmesan and I cubed some up small and made Spanish rice and chili with it.

    We generally don't get the barrels free, but I'll check out the video, the one in the vid was free. Thanks!

  14. Thanks! To me, Eggplant is alright if you mix them with other stuff, at least that's the only way I've found that I really enjoy them.

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