Container Gardening


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I have had so much fun gardening in my container garden this summer! I am new to gardening and definitely learning so much! I have enjoyed taking care of these plants and cooking with the vegetables and fruit! In today’s video, I would like to take you on a tour of my vegetable container garden!

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  1. You tuber I watch and learn a lot from (and she’s so sweet to watch, you’d like her too) is Garden Answer. Her videos are so inspiring and her content is so on point and valid for normal/novice gardeners like us. Check her out 😊

  2. The first plant with the purple flower is eggplant. Mine are still only little baby eggplants! Happy gardening!!

  3. You're doing a great job. The bell peppers will change color so leave them until they do.😊 the zucchini will get huge if you leave them but they won't be as good so go ahead and pick that biggest one.😊

  4. Hey, welcome to the new gardener club! I few things might interest you…

    You might get more squash still. They have male and female blossoms. Males usually come first, them females later. Google hand pollination if the bees give up. It's easy.

    Your kale might be struggling because it's a cool weather crop. If you pull it out, you can plant more from seed soon, and have it till your frost.

  5. The thing that looks like lettuce with the colored stems is chard. You can pick the longer stems, and more will grow. Also, i've found my mint does better away from the sun. What i looked up said 3 to 6 hours of sun, i put it in a shade corner and it's happy! I follow several youtubers for gardening, but these most helpful and addicting is Jess from @Roots_and_refuge. She makes me want to learn more. Good luck!

  6. I love your little garden! We've been canning green beans and jalapenos. We've made bread and butter pickles. We've frozen squash, okra, blackberries and blueberries. The corn will be gathered this weekend! We also plan on canning tomatoes. Phew….I'm tired! Keep up the good work!

  7. If you plant mint in your yard, it will survive, but it is very invasive. It makes more sense to keep it in pots.

  8. Your garden looks good. You might consider fertilizing. On camera your leaves look a little yellow. If they are they might lack in iron. Please don’t be offended. I was given the same advice on my garden. Watch Garden Answers on you tube. She is amazing.

  9. What zone are you? In northern Vermont, lavender sometimes comes back, sage comes back. Basil dies the first frost

  10. Your garden looks awesome! You should get more squash with it blooming like it is ! just pull the dries up,brown ,died parts off or prune them . helps the rest of the plant grow more and better same with the herbs and cut them often . Basil needs lots of sunlight. water them ,if you haven't had rain for many days and like every other day.Keep the weeded and you will do awesome and already are ! Have a great day! may Sir God always bless you!

  11. Tfs. You gave me motivation to plant some sweet smelling herbs. Some of those plants are natural bug repellents too. Especially those annoying mosquitos. Your 🏠 is lovely & your energy is uplifting. God continue to bless you all.

  12. Next year you might want to plant in the ground or have much larger pots. and have a fence. I have a tiny container "garden", just growing lettuces, basil and peas this year. Last year I grew tomatoes and sweet peppers, there were so many 🙂 Don't forget to fertilize 🙂 tfs 💗💗💗

  13. I think the one with purple flowers is eggplant and the other one that you thought was lettuce with colorful stems is Swiss chard.

  14. You seem to have quite a lot of insect damage on your leaves. If your interested in natural insect control try need oil. It great for such a lot of things.

  15. Try using some soapy water in a spray bottle to get rid of that is eating your plants… Those circles in the leaves are not normal… you have a bug eating your plants. For the herbs, you can cut some off and tie it with some twine/thread and hang it upside down inside or in your basement/garage to dry it! You should have an agriculture agent in your county… google or call the city offices where you live they should be able to help you. The agriculture agent should be able to tell you how to care for your herbs in your area! Hope this helps!! Good luck.

  16. Fun to watch and see all of your veggie plants! Yes put your mint in pots. It spreads everywhere if you don't. The tomatoes look so good. I also think you can batter the squash blossoms with tempura batter and fry them. I've heard they're good to eat.

  17. Swiss chard is the one green leaf plant. My herbs will not go through the winter. I cut them off and bring in a dry them to use later. I put in jars.

  18. Herbs are perennial. Plant in the soil and they'll be back next spring. They are very easy to maintain and they smell great after it rains and the sun shines on them.

  19. Hi…are you aware that you can EAT your squash blossoms if they aren't fruiting for you…..pick them, stuff them with something you like (bread stuffing, chopped veggies, meatloaf mix, etc) close them up/fold them over, put in a baking dish then cover with your favourite tomato sauce & bake!

  20. I think most of your herbs wont servive your cold winters. Put in sunny windows . watering an light the two factors to keep herbs growing inside.

  21. I would love to see what you cook with the herb & any vegetables that are ripe such as the tomato & basil but most interested in the french tarragon and what you cook with it

  22. You need to plant zucchini in the ground. We had ours planters but they didn't want to grow well, so we transferred to ground and BOOM zucchini everywhere. Hope it helps.

  23. Love this! I wish I had the space to grow this much! Check out my video of my mini little herb garden. fingers crossed that one day I'll have space for this many!

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