@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do today!

#foodsecurity #latebloomer #takeaction
Do THIS today. Sharing some thoughts on security, medicine and community from the porch. City girl urban gardener turns late bloomer homesteader! Subscribe so you won’t miss out!

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Music by Epidemic Sound.

“Late Bloomer” exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food. Kaye’s vlog covers gardening, travel, homesteading, and interesting people. Please share!

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  1. Thank you for your open and honest conversations. I love how when you don't know you say so. Love learning by trial and error and learning from others and just plain sharing. I need to look more into natural healing elements. I am a nurse (ripe old age of 62 and a female), but totally do not like big pharma. I am lucky to work from home and have a nice garden going here in North GA (near Chattanooga). I am blessed to have acreage. I am blessed to have had multiple grandmothers who gardened, canned, and I got to help so I learned. We also quilted. Some of the best conversations came from siting around the quilt frame, all working together, sharing memories and ideas and just plain wisdom. I cannot express enough how much all those years are helping me now in this time. I love your gentle spirit and kind heartedness. Let's all stick together and we will make it through. God bless.

  2. When I watched the "What is going down" video I thought oh my gosh I hadn't realized you were one of those Trumper conspiracy theory people. I intended to never watch again. But I watched this cause I have followed you a long time and have a lot of respect for you. Great video. I too am appalled by what Monsanto did in India, and horrified by the prospect of Bill Gates and the Chinese buying up our farmland. I admire what you're doing immensely and I too think of selling my house in the desert with a teeny yard and moving to an acre in Indiana or Kentucky. I have decided NOT to make my age an issue, but have no connections back East, and community IS important as you say. Anyway, thanks for this video!

  3. Natural Insect Repellent…1/2 cup witch hazel, 1/2 cup filtered water, 1 teaspoon glycerin, 100 drops essential oil (25 drops each) citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass, & peppermint. 2 drops blue dawn. Keep it in a spray bottle and shake well before each use. It works for ticks, mosquitoes, deer & horse flies, & others. Apply after sweating or getting wet. I make this for my great grand kids…and me too. It works very well for us. Hope you are always able to find the help you need. BTW Rose Red is a good canning teacher as well as many others on YT! Blessings!

  4. You are absolutely gorgeous and I'm just being honest. I'm not a stalker lol. Ever since I came across your channel and laid eyes on you I am gripped.

  5. Basil Plants On Your Porch And Rosemary Will Definitely Keep Mosquitoes Away.☺️❀️

  6. What made you decide to move to Tennessee? Was trying to talk to my husband about moving there ( East Tennessee) but he refuses

  7. Kaye, remember that you have only just STARTED this new homestead. Be patient. And most of all, be kind to yourself.

  8. Over the years I have been ill-treated by other human beings over the coarse of my lifetime!! So now all I'm worried about is myself!! Why do I have to worry about anybody else when clearly noone gave a rat's arse about me?? That's how I see it!!

  9. When I lived at a lake in South Carolina, the mosquitos were horrible. The doctor told me to get a good vitamin b1 and take one in the morning and one in the evening to keep them away from us. It works. I gave a half one to my girls and I took a whole one, every morning and every evening at dusk.

  10. The weather wars are made from the chem trails that spread out and cover the skies with nano bot technology πŸ’£ πŸŒ§πŸ’£ πŸŒ§πŸ’£βœˆ ✈ ✈ that are controlled with different frequencies to create the weather wars being deployed against all of us πŸ’£πŸŒ§πŸ πŸŒ§πŸ’£ πŸŒ§πŸ‘¨ 🌧 πŸ‘© πŸŒ§πŸ’£ ✈✈ ✈
    Vaporize the chem trails and nano bot technology with one part white vinegar and three to four parts water in a sonic dispenser that turns water into vapors and let it run outdoors 24/7 365 ❀ πŸ•―β€

  11. I would love to see a video on people growing for food banks and feeding others. Our gardens are struggling so bad this year. Thank you!!

  12. Those wanting to learn about all kinds of food preservation should watch Rose Red Homestead. They are extremely knowledgeable and great teachers.

  13. Hi Kaye
    Thank you for your porch time. I hope the mosquitos didn’t get you!
    I would suggest that you speak about herbalists and homeopaths to your audience.
    They should look up practitioners in their area and connect.
    As an herbalist and homeopath I think it very important for everyone to connect and learn some herbalism and homeopathy so they can help their own families and communities.
    It is also a bartering skill😊

  14. Im in Tulsa, Oklahoma and our high today is going to be 108F degrees. Thats actual temp not what it feels like. I garden in large empty cattle electrolyte tubs (23 gal). My 13 tomato plants look horrible and no fruit has set. I'm considering just pulling them out and trying to plant again but our heat is just going to get worse. I've only been gardening for 3 years so I still have a lot to learn. I just have no clue whether to leave the plants or start over with something else. This drought is crazy.

  15. Its funny as in europe – Medicine is the practice and medication is the drug. But I take on your views. I feel bad for the family med docs! Not enough time. Especially when in states most of medicine is coding 😭 in Europe family medicine by general practisoners your 15 to 20 mins is complete medicine. As in patient and doctor having a full conversation not a doc throwing a medication at a patient without listening. Now a good doctor can get a book worth of information from a patirnt in 15 to 20 mins. Sadly insurance companies in usa expect even looking at a patient should have a code for insurance. So, I understand.

  16. I grow lots of anise hyssop and citronella geranium on our patio works wonders. For keeping away the mozzies. I was like a connect the dots kids book last yr this yr not one bite

  17. Kate I know you're busy woman but have you seen this documentary called "back to Eden Gardening" how to grow a regenerative organic garden I know you already know all the tricks to gardening and the results are wonderful but just thought you you might find things you haven't tried yet to help you not work so hard in the garden love your videos and I'll be ordering one of your shirts soon

  18. Oh my God she just read my mind I've been thinking about that to about GMO how their argument was that it fed more people and less people have to starve but in reality we should have all made it part of our education to learn how to garden we all just became so dependent ingredient I just don't understand the people in charge they have enough knowledge I don't know why they didn't think we would all don't have to worry about food insecurity if we grow our own food there stripping the good soil that we have and filling it with pesticides and all kinds of stuff that who knows what it's doing to our body even organic I don't even know if it's really what they say but I want to start guarding as well but I have I know that I have to make sure I educate myself and watching of course your videos

  19. My Doctor saved my Life 3 times……He has almost 4 k People he cares for…….It Takes Months to get a appointment But when I was in the Hospital he was right there at my bedside. You do not live to be 70 with a bad Doctor.

  20. Tried a dryer sheet in back pocket trick for mosquitos. It worked though it was too much. Everything i ate tasted like a dryer sheet.

  21. I went to an orthopedic doctor about my hip pain to get adjusted since my insurance doesn't cover chiropractics. After he adjusted me, I made sure he knew I didn't take meds. He said that's like going to the barber and not wanting a haircut. I said no, I just needed an adjustment. I don't think he was too happy about that.

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