Japanese Garden

Poor Socially Awkward Kid Has The Greatest Magic Powers In The World

After being reincarnated into another world as the 8th son of a poor noble family, five-year-old Well learns that he has the aptitude to use magic. Not just an aptitude, actually – he has a great magic capacity! Before long, he meets an enigmatic man who takes him under his wing and teaches him all there is to using magic.


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  1. This is really a very good anime and gets even better from where the video ends. Well worth watching. Before the virus crap shut down the world there had been talk of a S2 but since then everything has been silent on S2 coming out

  2. That is not a house nor a palace its called a Manor. A house so big that it gets its own name not address is called a Manor. Like the house Hillary Clinton grew up in or the house that Joe Biden grew up in. Now Donald Trump he grew up in a studio apartment with 7 siblings and his mother and father like other rats of the Bronx in New York City.

  3. Loved when I watched this anime quite a while ago now, it's a solid 9/10 easily, really deserves more seasons.

  4. I have seen this anime series, in the English dubbed version, and I thought it was great.

    The title of this anime show series is (I GOT REINCARNATED AS THE 8TH. SON, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?) & I hope a Second Season gets made for it.

  5. Just had to watch this. Now I want to go back and rewatch this anime. It was really good. I enjoyed your recap.

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