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Chat with Janelle | Wedding plans | Bulk Food Order Pick Up

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Parsnips and Parsimony
PO Box 1273
Ballston Lake, NY 12019


  1. Hello Janelle, Art and sweet family!
    So good to see another video. Planning Charity’s wedding will keep you hopping. Nursing a baby is a full time job, keeping you busy.
    I’m glad to hear your getting more sleep. Enjoy seeing the bulk food hauls too. Hannah has such a beautiful smile. It’s always a joy for the kids to go to pickup a bulk food order. Hope everyone has a blessed day!

  2. thank you Janelle for the vlog 🌻has Charity completed her nursing training yet? it's a fantastic profession and if she ever becomes a mother she can benefit greatly from this training. she can even work abroad with it….who knows where the Lord will take them both….🛫

  3. Wow….our Aldi cheese is still $1.95# usually your Aldi is cheaper than mine. Hope you make a lot of happy memories planning the wedding with C&C.

  4. Winter weddings are beautiful. My daughter was married January 1st at Castle Farms in Charlevoix We used basic twinkle lights along with a few trees ( not Christmas) to decorate the room and it was beautiful!! It lightly snowed and our pictures were lovely. We froze when we were outside but it was still beautiful. Congratulations to Charity and her fiancé, looking forward to seeing photos of the big day.

  5. You’re sooooo busy, I don’t know how you get any vlogs out! Looking forward to updates on the wedding💒
    Love your sweater btw 😘

  6. Wow not a lot of time to plan a wedding! Wedding planner is a must they sell them too I had one! Wood flowers would be cool and then you can keep them/ use them after the wedding! Good Luck!!

  7. Janelle,let me know when Charity,s bridal shower is. I,ll get her card in the mail for her shower. Love you all

  8. I love that you are nursing your smallest baby and planning a wedding for your oldest baby. I think it's so special. You are busy but oh so blessed. It's amazing that you get any videos out at all! Sending love.

  9. I just cut off the mold from the cheese. It won’t hurt you, but it’s gross if you eat the mold…yuck!

  10. What kind of naturedocumentaries are your favorite for thw kids? I struggle sometimes to find ones i like

  11. Still a very busy Mom…I don't know how you do it. I can imagine how excited Charity must be, planning her wedding with you and working as well. Love how animated Daniel has become and I love baby Hannah's smile. She looks like such a happy baby. Peter has really grown to quite the young man. I think what I love best of all is how your family loves and is so kind and thoughtful to one another. Quite rare in these times it seems. Y'all have a Blessed day.

  12. What’s the rush to have the wedding so soon? No judgement. We pulled a wedding off in two weeks. We were engaged in July and we’re suppose to get married in May but I needed to have surgery and my insurance was awful and my fiancé’s insurance was awesome so in the middle of October we decided to get married on Halloween so I could have his insurance November 1st.

  13. Bless your heart, I cannot imagine getting all the things done that you do! Lord please be their helper! ❤

  14. I’m so excited for your family as you plan Charity’s wedding. And of course super excited for Charity! I also love living where there are 4 seasons. You are so busy! I don’t know how you do everything you do.

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