Gardening Trends

October Houseplants Tour: Learn how to grow beautiful bedroom plants!

Best Houseplants

Houseplants can make bathrooms more pleasant places by adding a touch of greenery to the décor and improving air quality. A bathroom is typically a warm, humid room that provides the perfect backdrop for some houseplants, and water to irrigate the plants is always close at hand. However, you still need to choose plants wisely because those conditions are not always ideal for some plants, for example:

Although a bathroom provides plenty of warm, humid air during shower time, the room becomes cooler and less humid when not in use, especially at night. These wide temperature fluctuations are not ideal for many plants.

Not all plants enjoy high humidity: succulents prefer drier conditions and will rot if kept constantly moist; some houseplants might develop powdery mildew in high humidity.

Many bathrooms receive very low levels of sunlight, if they have windows at all. Do not give up if that is the case with your bathroom. Fluorescent bulbs provide plenty of light in wavelengths that plants can use.

You need to consider these three factors-low light, high humidity, and temperature swings-when choosing plants for a bathroom. Here are suggestions for plants that will do well in average bathroom conditions.

#masterbathroom #octoberplants #indoorplants


  1. Myriame you always do the good job congratulations I know you good for that

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