
Balcony Garden Tips Growing Vegetables on Urban Terrace Container Gardening Tomatoes Zucchini Squash

Growing Food in Small Space Garden: Terrace Garden, Deck Garden, Patio Garden, Balcony Garden, vegetables of all kinds. How to grow tomatoes, zucchini, onions, cilantro, moringa, beans, carrots, kale, stevia, Swiss Chard, Celery, dill, basil, parsley, lettuce, garlic chives, purslane, herbs and more.

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Growing TONS & Saving Water in Raised Bed Garden Totes, Vertical Gardening, Tomatoes Zucchini & More



  1. I've been 2-pot feeding all my plants lately. Thanks for the idea. SO much easier than prepared fertilizers and "amendments." I wonder how you get so much stevia. . . are all of those from rooted cuttings? I'm enjoying adding leaves of oregano with mint as a tea – fresh. Yum.

  2. Adorbs Kitty! Robbie, I harvested a wheelbarrow full of beautiful compost from 3 totes. It was quite a job but so worth it. My hungry greens will be getting a boost.

  3. I have had problems trying to grow parsley this year. Husband bought seeds that are coated with something. I planted those twice and none of those grew. I bought regular seeds no coating and they grew. I just planted some italian zucchini about 2 weeks ago and have zucchini's on them already. i want to make relish with them. Someone told on a video it needs lots of water to grow female flowers. I didn't know if that was you or another video. I water every day because they are in buckets. I ordered more stevia seeds and this is the second or third time I tried to grow it. They say you have do just use lots of seeds when you plant because only a few will make it. I am still waiting. I think it takes 21 days.

  4. The tulle would be much easier to use than aluminum foil to wrap squash trunks. Another great idea! Thanks,Robbie.


  6. Purple basil has always turned green on me. I think it has something to do with the amount of light it gets, or the heat or something like that.

  7. So Cool Love Everything. Zucchini tomatoes. that was a nice Zip around the deck garden. Was that a grasshopper in your plant in the start of your video? Kitty is out of Broccoli? Robbie. I really like Lettuce alone sandwiches with Mayo of course. We use to call those Honeymoon Sandwiches. . Enjoy getting back in to your Garden. don,t work to hard take a Health drink Break, while your at it. I know you have a Big Jug in the Fridge. So refreshing. Take care. Nora and Manuel.🍅🥪🧋🥂

  8. I don’t blame you for being so excited about your deck plants/nursery (😉) I’m excited and I’m just getting started with mine! You’ve inspired me to grow parsley for my birds and just for the beauty of the plant. I’ve just planted corn so we’ll see how that goes. I’m excited!
    Thx for sharing with us! 🥰

  9. I am happy you are excited! Your garden brings you so much joy to your life as it should! Thank you for being such a huge inspiration to tracher to all your fans! 🧡❤️💜💙💚

  10. Thanks for doing the deck garden. My main garden is a deck garden, thanks to you. Your excitement is contagious. You give new meaning to the joy of gardening! Keep up the good work.

  11. I have my garden on my deck first time and doing good The only plants I put in ground is my cabbage but it was been eating by bugs so went to Walmart bought tule covered them Now Let’s see I will let you know''

  12. I should get a jungle of lettuce that started bolting as we got hot. In a tote in the garden and I bent them in so a lot of seeds should end up in the tote. The same tote that is also growing a potato, I bet courtesie of the squirrels 😁

  13. Your growing skills are AMAZING!! I come from West Texas= HOT, dry, and windy. 😢 this may sound crazy but I’m really curious as to how you go about watering your garden. Maybe you can show us in a video sometime. I rarely know if I’m watering too much or not enough. Thank you for being such an awesome teacher!! ❤️❤️

  14. I love all your gardens. For many people without a yard though, the balcony garden is a fantastic example of how they can still grow. I love Kitty and her leaf. One my dogs actually loves brassica stems and kohlrabi. You could try a small, tender broccoli stem for Kitty if you are out of florets.

  15. I would love to see somebody grow rhubarb because I have had no success growing rhubarb I like strawberry rhubarb pies but I need rhubarb to make the pies

  16. I absolutely love your channel! Kitty is so adorable. I wish I loved broccoli as much as she does, lol! I love your energy. It's easy to tell that you love gardening and enjoy all the fruits (and veggies) of your labor. It's a treat to watch your videos! You get me excited to try the totes. I'm handicapped & getting down low to the ground is fine until I need to get back up again, lol. I'm going to try to collect some totes and get planting some seeds in them. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you. ❤❤

  17. Just to add, ik you don’t have problems w the vine borer. Just this year after 15 yrs we got em, ugh. Now, having the squash up is a big plus. The bush squash is easier to spot the eggs. After our 3rd round of plants I finally got a grab on it. Yes the toulle helps to wrap the base bc the moth can’t get to the base or just under the dirt which is hard to see them. I kept trimming the leaves and wrapping trying not to have a ton of leaves or you’ll miss some eggs. It doesn’t stop her though. She’ll lay on the leaves, outer stems etc. I went a couple months where she left so I got slack thinking she was gone. The last week I saw the yellow stuff and knew. I cut it open, removed the larvae, wrapped it in sport tape and then toulle again. Removed any more eggs I could find. It’s still alive though so we’ll see. Of course the more you have the harder and time consuming it will be. I just can’t get to the ones in the ground, C’est la vie. Stake and toulle limits your area to check for eggs but they’ll still get in there if they hatch.

  18. Great to see the update on the porch. I have 40 cherry tomatoes ripening on the vine and the first beefsteak tomato. Thanks for what you do Robbie.

  19. That Kitty and her love of broccoli is too cute! I have a Scarlett runner bean plant that grew to about 4 inches tall and has not grown one bit since. Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated!

  20. Hi Robbie, can you help me? I have a small backyard but live in between two apartment buildings. There is short amount of sun. Nothing has grown this year. Any suggestions? Roof gardening in 5 gallon buckets?

  21. Hi Robbie, will all your plants die down in the winter? Do you get sleet and snow where you live? I live in the south east of UK 🇬🇧 and everything dies down and we start again in the spring!

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