Gardening Supplies

Plants will Absolutely Murder Each Other

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If you’ve noticed that your garden is looking a little sad, it might be due to sabotage from other plants!

Hosted by: Hank Green

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These Plants Poison The Competition


  1. Oh, I should probably apologize to my neighbour then, I suspected him of killing my flowers when I saw him spray herbicides in my garden.
    Turns out it was a Walnut tree! There aren't any on my property so it means there's definitely a hidden tree killing my plants somewhere beneath my house!

  2. Glyphosate "may" cause health issues. Just like there "may" be a plesiosaur in a certain scottish lake.

  3. Black walnut allelopathy has been all but disproven by modern science. Juglone is technically allelopathic but it's also consumed readily by bacteria. Just stop planting food crops in the shade and you won't have problems.

  4. The books Carrots Love Tomatoes is a great place to learn about what to plant together and what to plant far away. Companion planting is so good for home gardens!

  5. When I was a kid my grandparents had a farm with two huge, old trees, one on either side of the property. One was an oak tree, but the other was a 40 or so year old black walnut tree. I always wondered why the entire area around that huge tree was practically barren!

  6. Pliny the Elder could not have talked about the black walnut, Juglans nigra, because that tree is native to North America, not Europe or Africa. There are different walnut trees native to Europe that he must have been referring to. 1:00

  7. Musk Thistles die after flowering? You've never seen them in a pasture, have you? If so, they regenerate like a Phoenix every year.
    Sure as he'll, they don't die here in the States where they are invasive! I've seen them taller than I am, and thick as a man's wrist. That is each stalk of them. The rosette will often send out many stalks.
    That Only happens after years.

  8. Let me get this straight, i should pay for a service that basically counts for me, and this should help me save money. Hmmmmmmmm

  9. Interesting. I wish however we could have the beauty of diversity without the necessity of death, death, and more death.

  10. Where does the Lilac bush fall in this subject? I’ve always heard that the roots suppressed other plants.

  11. Yeah…black walnut trees are native to North America. Unless Pliny was one heck of a fantastic sailor, he never encountered them.

  12. I feel like if you plant your tomatoes next to a known-to-poison-the-earth tree, it is kinda reflective on your gardening skills.

  13. I like how I'm hearing from people near me learn new things about black walnut trees, and I'm like yep I know, we're surrounded by them remember, lol.

    The thistle is easier to deal with than another yet much more thorny plant. I've been doing research over the past couple years, getting info from the conservation department, botanists, etc, and putting our black walnuts, husks too, through some tests.
    One test I did 3yrs ago, was to tackle an invasive plant that likes to take over the ground in the woods. It usually sends roots out every 10ft-20ft where you'll then see another one poking from the ground. If left alone, it'll grow into one big thorny bush so to speak. Wildlife hate it, from turkeys, deer, coyotes, raccoons, rabbits, and even mice. I was told by the Missouri department, there's only 2 options to remove the invasive plant: control burn, or pull every single one during winter.

    But, black walnuts is your best option!
    What I did was collect walnuts when they were getting black spots and felt kinda squishy. They can't be black and dried up or it won't work. You need the inside between the husk & nut to still have it's moisture. I used a 5g bucket and filled it up, but about ⅓ of the bucket filled with water. You want the husks to be able to be at the point they come off easy from the shells.
    *make sure to wear clothing or outerwear you don't mind staining or throwing away. Those latex/non latex gloves ain't gonna help you in this, get some long dishwashing gloves. *wear disposable gloves within, just in case.
    I had plastic type slip on garden shoes, and they are permenantly stained, that's how strong that black juice is gonna be!
    Soaking time varies. You're looking for when the husks come off easy.
    *The shells get taken out btw.

    Prior to dumping the mix onto the invasive plant, the plant gets cut down as low as possible to the ground, and holes poked toward its roots. Then pour the black water mix on it.
    I will say the grass around it was affected but came back last year.
    *Sorry, forgot name of plant. Comment to remind me to tell you.

  14. If you're planting anything under a black walnut, you have never had a black walnut. The damned nuts fall from 40 or more feet up…

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