Container Gardening

Container Gardening, Sprouting & More at Hippocrates Health Institute

John from goes on a field trip to The Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, FL to share with you how they grow food at the facility. In this behind-the-scenes episode you will discover how they grow year round in South Florida by using a variety of growing methods, such as sprouting seeds in water, growing sprouts in soil, container gardening, raised bed gardening and row crops. After watching this episode you will learn more about how Hippocrates is meeting part of the demand for fresh, local and organic food at their institute.


  1. I was thinking how knowledgeable you are and how could you learn so much and remember so much and I decided the greens and healthy way you eat must have really nourished your brain. What a way to go! Keep it up, we love it. Love ya

  2. I really like the video. I live in Florida,and between the rain, heat and some of the insect.
    it can be a pain but its worth it.

  3. Wow! I haven't been to Hippocrates in over 10 years! Great to see them growing all this stuff!

  4. I find my raised bed soil levels go down every year. I figure it's about the same amount as the plant material I haul off to compost. However, having the soil a bit lower helps protect young seedlings from strong winds and mild frosts. And I still have room to put a nice mulch layer down to help with the drought and sun. Since I'm on a budget, I use shredded tree from my neighborhood (composted with kitchen scraps) that are about a year old. Still kind of coarse, but it works for me.

  5. germinating mix or seed starter mix, if growing indoors try putting a layer of horticultural sand on top to stop mould and using tap water instead of rain water for your seeds will stop many diseases. Just leave water overnight before using. but for just sprouting seeds it depends on how big you want the plant to get, seeds have got a lot of energy to get them started off in life.

  6. How do I find out more about the sprouts grown on the mesh? I like this idea and think I can implement it well in my environment.

  7. Don't know about beets being in the spinach family but I'm pretty sure that they are in the chard family.

  8. Doing all these for us for free, Thank you so much! May you live long and continue to be blessed. We need more people like you on the planet.

  9. John, I've learnt so much from Growing Your Greens since I discovered the videos. Thank you!

    You should do a video on how to grow on slope gardens. I have just under half an acre of land and it's all slope… I want to convert the land to grow veggies and fruits. Any advice to grow on a slope?

  10. John & green friends: did you know that there will be a Plant-based Nutrition Healthcare Conference here in Naples, FL from October 26th to 30th at the Naples Beach Hotel. You do not have to be a healthcare professional to attend. This is the innaugural conference due to the widespread interest in reversing health problems by eating whole plant foods. Just wanted to let you all know. Great video here, again, John!

  11. hi John, I wonder why u use newspaper to cover the holes on your tray. Wouldn't the poison from the ink be sucked up into the roots when watering? love this video. can't wait to watch the upcoming videos.

  12. i would imagine itd be as simple as 'stepping' certain areas, aka digging into the slope to create tiers of flatland as they do in asiatic countries

  13. Newspapers these days use soy based inks. While not exactly healthy, they
    are not poisonous, and they break down quickly when used in planting.

  14. i used to juice buckwheat and i couldn't go out in the sun without my skin going red and burning. was quite traumatic. lol

  15. Thanks John.  Excellent educational video, and I appreciate your enthusiasm in presenting this information to us growers. 

  16. It is another learning tool in the field of gardening. These various methods particularly sprouting could really help develop our plants grow even better. I found this video very educational and I am pretty sure that this post is worth sharing for! 

  17. I do vermicomposting as well, but I use upright freezers converted into beds. It makes it easy to save the tea. Also they should be using "unsulfured" molasses. Sulfur dioxide (most common) is used to extend shelf life and lighten the molasses. I get mine from the feed store in bulk.

  18. You look skinny and pale. You have tons of energy but them veggies aren't helping your muscle mass. Hard to convince me to eat that way when I eat like crap, but look 10x better than you, no offense I love your show.

  19. Charging $18.000.00 dollars is a rip off. He preys off Canadian people because we have less help for cancer patients then in the USA. I went up and ask him a questions after his talk and he wasn't very friendly. He was very rude! When he is traveling on the road he rarely eats any RAW FOODS, mostly cook.

  20. Hard, loud voice…kind of hard to listen to. A suggestion? slow down, soften up, no need to shout….gentle, and breathe. Thank you!

  21. Thank you so much for the information you share. It's very helpful, I hope you continue your movement… It surely is a positive impact.

  22. Have you done a follow-up to see if they expanded their garden to feed all of their guests? Maybe not a video if you don't have time, but a text update in the description. 🙂

  23. I wish I had the money to pay my dad to come here. He had 6 heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and deep vein thrombosis. Plus, he has a herniated disk in his back but can't get it fixed until he gets off of coumadin. Last time he tried to get off coumadin is when he had his last heart attack… so…

  24. put a micrphon eon your shirt ans stop SCREAMING i 'D IKE TO WATCH MOR ECVIDEOS BUT i get so turned off v=by t=your scraming gt soime equipment

  25. How big are those nursery tree pots at 17:50 and where do you get them? I could grow a few things in one of those.

  26. My dad used to talk about how this place saved his cousin's life after making 180 changes in the direction of his destructive habits. It was a story of an out of shape guy that went from being an addict willing to steal to afford his fix, to a fit and healthy hard working produce farmer/gardener. The reason he went there was to learn and replace bad habits. By the time he got there he was already clean and sober. I was too young to remember him but the story made this place sound like a magical sacred garden of eden kind of place. My bucket list includes at least visiting this place. All of your videos are informative and encouraging. Time to dial back the stan-fan talk. Just glad to have this channel to learn and work towards being a better grower of food. Keep up the good work man.

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