Container Gardening

2022 Spring Container Garden Tour

109 container garden walk through


  1. Snowing again today on the mountain….smh. enjoy watching your garden until I can get out into mine. Growing nicely and the girls look great.

  2. I planted spinach and kale last year and I only cut what we will eat for that night for dinner. it’s still growing🥰.I only have had to maybe spread five or six more seeds but my spinach and kale plants have been in the ground producing for over a year. Your garden is looking AMAZING!

  3. Hello my name is Viola. I came over from Brokefarmer’s channel. You have an awesome garden. Looking forward to seeing more of your videos. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

  4. This is my first time viewing your channel. Your container garden is well organized and looking good!!! Those leaves on the zucchini plants are healthy and supposed to look that way. They are gray zucchini plants. I think the pattern in those leaves are beautiful.

  5. the white stuff on the leaves i think its called powdery mold, and I think it is from the leaves getting wet and don't dry fast enough . it does not harm it or hurt to eat the fruit .

  6. I’m new to gardening.Do you worry about too much sun for your lettuce and cabbage section?Im afraid to move my romaine lettuce seedling from under my porch but it looks like it’s reaching for light.

  7. Your garden looks amazing! I can see you put a lot of hard work into it and it really shows in your plants. I wanted to get out in my garden today and plant some cucumbers but it was our first 90+ degree day of the year and I just could not handle the heat. I just love to garden but I still have a lot I want to learn. I make garden videos too. I hope we can learn more from each other as we grow our gardens! 🌺🌻🐝🌸🌼🍅🫑👨‍🌾☀️🐇

  8. Get rid of the iceberg lettuce and plant marigolds everywhere. They actually handle a root Disease and attract bees. I use them every year. They help tremendously! Also, plant them in a staggered time frame. They die fairly fast.

  9. You garden is beautiful, I'm learning right along with you, just started my channel, you are doing great, nothing can stop us, keep up with the good work

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