Edible Gardening

October Allotment Tour: Autumn Garden

Hello, my name Nik and welcome to That British Homestead, thanks so much for watching. Today I am sharing with you what my allotment looks like this October. The season is winding down and the plants are now being pulled up and replaced by the winter veg. We have a very long growing season in the UK and can overwinter a number of things, like broad beans, onions, garlic, etc. We are looking forward to the food that we can grow in the winter months and the food this will provide for our family.

I read every comment that someone takes the time to post on my videos. I always write back as well, so if you have any tips, tricks, comments or questions, please pop them down below and you will get a reply from me! I love comments and sometimes even explain answers in upcoming videos! So dont be shy!

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Happy gardening,


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  1. Hi nick you have had an amazing harvest this year. It’s cold at night low light levels damper even tho there some warm days so it’s inevitable that plants are just dying back now. I would clear it all and salvage what you can get it onto the compost. Clear it ready for your winter crops. Cosmos is amazing👍

  2. Looking good still Nik and anyone that thinks winter means no work 😂😂 hasn’t grown veg on a bit scale. You are always doing something and when not growing we’re preparing and clearing. Looks chilly 🥶 there but nice you can get work done without rain. I tried overwintering a pepper last year it failed 😂😂. So now I save seed instead. Your cosmo are gorgeous I have one like the white with pink edges 🥰. Have a fantastic week 🐝 safe

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