Backyard Garden


Over the past number of years, great emphasis has been placed on honey bee health—particularly after colony collapse disorder. However, that downfall may have masked or deemphasized another graver concern, which is a severe reduction and loss of our native pollinators, particularly specialist pollinators, which are pollinators that rely on a specific species, genus or family of plants for their sustenance. In this episode, I cover what specialist pollinators are, why they matter, and how we can encourage them into our landscapes. This will be the first video of many on this channel highlighting specialist pollinators—so stay tuned here if this topic interests you!


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  1. I am finding half frozen or asleep wasps etc the last few days. The sun is not strong enough to make it really warm. Some of them got knocked into my rain barrels, other containers that caught last 2 rains. Then not able to fly out again. With winter coming I work just as hard at botteling the rainwater for winter flushing of toilet, washing out buckets, shoe soles etc. so I find them daily. In summer it is to keep gardens healthy but now it is with power outages in mind. The despised earwigs are still active though. I hate when the thick clothing has to come out of the closet. You are not thrilled either no doubt.

  2. I’m so happy you’re doing this! I’m obsessed with native insects now. Did you know that butterfly bushes actually harm native insects, because certain species of butterfly mistake them and lay their eggs on them? Then the caterpillars emerge and can’t feed, and die. It upsets me because garden centers advertise this as a “pollinator friendly” plant.

  3. How about creating free digital guides available to followers, general public, community gardens, nurseries, etc, etc that spread the word in an ready reference format with calls to action!!

  4. I loved this video and I feel inspired! I've been interested in supporting local flora and fauna for a long time, down to the small insects. It is my dream to one day be in a similar situation to you and cover the land in native ecotype plants.

  5. This year I planted mint plants that I propagated from the mint that I purchased at the Asian grocery store. When they flowered, I found that there were dozens of different species of pollinators swarming the blooms. I was astounded. I also have bee balm, yarrow, butterfly bush, etc… The mint was the most popular, with spotted bee balm in a close second. Who knew that regular ordinary mint would provide so much to the local pollinator species here in Southwest Ohio. Very wonderful surprise.

  6. thank you!! that was very informative, my little garden will have more than goldenrod and veggies next spring..

  7. 20 years ago, I transplanted an Aesclepias tuberosa root and plant from an eastern Ohio farm field composed of deep, heavy clay soil to my suburban flower bed in piedmont region of the Mid-Atlantic that has thin granite rock dust soil. I always let everything seed out naturally, so that seed is carried on the wind and lands where it may. Every year, the mother plant flowers 3 to 4 weeks before its babies that have self seeded. I have observed that the mother root blooms is 3 to 4 weeks before the arrival of the monarch butterflies. But when the babies bloom, that is when the monarchs arrive here. This observation is amazing to me and I am curious as to the botanical explanation for it and will be looking into further. Have you heard of this phenomenon or know its terminology? I love your videos and all that you have shared. Thank you!

  8. Another awesome video. Convincing me more and more that I'd like to find a place in the finger lakes area.

  9. honestly getting into this whole topic in the last few months, glad that i've always been extremely determined to find native plants or cultivars only for my garden. to a small extent, the whole way "save the bees" just gets plastered with the non-native honeybee, is really irritating.
    like i was showing my mom a month or two ago at the garden center two plants, one nativar hyssop, and one random sage from europe, both full of purple flowers, yet on the sage whatever, there were a few honeybees, and like, not much else, meanwhile the hyssop literally had 20 bees of at least 10 different species on each plant. planted it and within a day found the first ever sweat-bee i've ever seen in my life. all this kinda refueled my passion for really trying to find every native plant lol. lucky for me, garden centers near me do have at least some selection of natives and nativars, and one a few towns away is literally ONLY native plants, and a botanical garden, so glad i found that. it is SO HARD TO FIND SOME NATIVE PLANTS THOUGH drives me insane. also looking at that link you mentioned, i really need to find get some willows tbh

  10. My husband and I love watching the Flock videos and this one struck a chord with me. When you spoke about pleading with hr garden centers I wanted to tear up a bit. I've been trying to garden more and more for wildlife and I too get so excited when I see a different type of bee. Sometimes you feel like you're alone kn an island when you are trying to bring in wildlife while those around you spary to keep life away. Thank you Flock for all that you do!!! We are just north of you in Canada. 🙂

  11. Where did you get your bird bath? I love it! And am trying to build my garden with birds and pollinators in mind. Thank you for all you do!!!

  12. Super interesting Summer. Question- do you have to clean the bee houses in the spring? Same with bird houses. Just curious 🤔 Thanks and as always beautiful video guys👏👏👏❣️

  13. A big argument for 100%grass fed meat animals is that these grassy fields can support ground dwelling insects, where as grain farming (including soybeans lentils) wipes out these insects. Also, most US nut farms totally “Nuke” the ground so that their sweeping harvest machines can work. Italian companies make a nut harvest machine that spreads a tarp around The base of a tree, shakes the nuts off, and then moves onto the next tree, enabling farmers to have a healthy ground cover that builds the soil and supports a variety of pollinators which also help the Nut trees get pollinated.

  14. I had no idea some bees made the ground their home, until one stung my foot as I walked around. Thats also when I learned I am allergic to them. Despite this, I absolutely love watching them going around my Crepe Myrtle blooms. I didnt know all this and will also be doing my research for Florida native garden for the Specialists. Thank you, how I hate walking into these nurseries and seeing extremely invasive plants being sold, I am dealing with a few that previous owners planted, and even one variety I planted.

  15. Great Great Message Summer, we need more people on board, and I agreed, nurseries should promote the plants for specialists with true native, sometimes can be confusing for average gardener like myself. thank you for explaining. Doug Tallamy book abut Oaks was the one who got me so curious about the garden beyond plants, and how to help other living things and help ourselves at the same time. Thank you.

  16. An important video! A pity I can't view it without adverts every five minutes in spite of having just dowloaded total adblock. Youtube is becomming real drag because of this.

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