Container Gardening

Survival Garden Update – 06/29/10 – Prepper container gardening

Update as of june 29, 2010 on my survival garden. If you are a prepper and have been planting you own garden, you may enjoy this video. I planted new tomatoes in buckets and pots, the cucumbers are coming up better now and the vines are getting longer, transplanted some squash into a bigger clay pot, the baby squash are coming in, banana pepper plants are putting on now, the bell peppers are getting bigger. I also planted in boots this time to show that you can container garden in just about anything that you can recycle.

if you haven’t started growing anything to stock up your pantry for this winter, there is still a little time left. Don’t delay. The further we get in to this economic crisis, the closer we seem to be getting to a currency collapse and when that happens, it is going to be harder to feed you and your family. There is now an even greater threat because of the BP oil spill and the chemicals they are using not to mention the methane gas that is coming up out the bottom of the ocean.

people are saying that it feels like the end times and that bible prophecy has started to fulfill. We aren’t sure yet but whatever is happening, it’s a wise decision to grow your own food while you have the chance. Don’t forget, try to use all heirloom seeds so you can save some for next year.


  1. It just shows you how little a lot of preppers know. There is no way tomato plants will be productive in less than 5 gallons. Planting a tomato in a boot just shows how well some preppers will do in a real collapse. Everyone thinks they can just garden and survive with a few summer squash. Like my friends say up north. If it isn't your regular way of life to survive from what you produce each year you are not going to make it. You need real land. You can't survive if you need to buy soil.

  2. Ha ha…I love the boot idea. I agree with you about all the high and mighty folks. I square foot garden in very little space and produce more food than I am able to can, dehydrate, eat and give away. The rest I feed to my animals and toss into my compsot piles…Yes I do make my own dirt!!!lol

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