
How to Remove Rose Suckers – Gardening Tips

Removing Rose Suckers . . . the secret to removing them permanently!

What are Rose Suckers?
Suckers grow from the base rootstock, usually as a result of an injury or trauma. They tend to grow vigorously, sucking the nutrients out of the plant, hence the name. Suckers are quite easy to identify as they will usually have different foliage from your rose.


What equipment you’ll need:
– Gardening gloves
– Hand towel

How to remove the rose suckers:
1. Push aside any mulch from around the plant.
2. You need to be able to reach the base of the sucker. If the graft is below the soil line, gently dig out some of the soil.
3. Once you reach the base pull the sucker gently away from the direction of the growth.
4. Place the index finger of your other hand on the joint. With a quick flick press down firmly, pushing the sucker against the direction of the growth. It should just come away with a pop.
5. Done correctly, the end of the sucker will have the eye attached. You don’t want, the shoot to break off without the eye.
6. Once you’re done re-cover with the existing soil and mulch.

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