@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: This is WHY you should GROW YOUR FOOD! Tomato Harvest!!

#growyourfood #foodsecurity #latebloomer
Tomato Harvest!! Eat it, sell it, give it away, preserve it! Check out my second, and much better looking harvest! City girl urban gardener turns late bloomer homesteader! Subscribe so you won’t miss out!

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Music by Epidemic Sound.

“Late Bloomer” exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food. Kaye’s vlog covers gardening, travel, homesteading, and interesting people. Please share!

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  1. how about the way Stacy jars and ferments them raw? Maybe someone can help you shake the jars like she showed.

  2. I am sure you are busy and happy with your harvest! By the way 3 new melon sprouts have emerged. It rained again today! Whoo-hoo! So nice! I think your paste tomato you inquired about is an Amish Paste. I grew a few last season.

  3. Your tomatoes look beautiful Kaye. I have been putting part of my garden to bed. Potato section and garlic section and onion section. What is giving me fabulous results is….drum roll…I feed the worms!!!!! I cut the root part of the potato plant off then bury the greens where I pulled the plants out. Then I give it a huge layer of my chicken compost from cleaning my coop out from last winter. Ohhh what some beautiful compost. Then I COVER it with tarps. I found that my potato harvest was best on my upper section of my garden because I COVERED it like I just described. The other section was not covered and I didn't get as many as the bed that was covered. Hope this helps someone.

  4. Make Catsup. Living Traditions homestead has a great recipe. Make tomato juice (easiest to do) for chili. Freeze the tomatoes until you have enough for your task.

  5. hello kaye, so pleased to see your video, whaw those tomatoes 😄 look really super mmmmm!.yes I think first a really yum tomato sandwich, you could roast or cook and freeze 😋 some kaye, even if you mix them they are going to be very tasty, and can be used in lots recipes ,in pasta, pizza, on yum toast n butter.ect ect,if you don't get to czn,freeze them so that they don't waste,.just like your basket of onions the tomatoes look simply delicious. oh kaye you could purchase a basil plant at your grocery store and if you look in the pot usually there is several plants in each single pot,can split them up and plant, I do that and grow in a big pot ,czn do with some other herbs also..Well done kaye thankyou for showing another lovely video. bless you 🙏 xx

  6. Time to get busy myself. ( Always busy here). Gardens are a gift from God. Alot of work but what a blessing!

  7. I'm not a real big fan of slaw but my aunt used to make freezer slaw that was SO good. Might be something else you can try. Your tomatoes are gorgeous, imperfections and all and I just know they're delicious! Oh I taught myself to knit and crochet too!! Used to make baby blankets for all my friends…figured I was done when they all finished having babies but oh no then it was the babies babies😆. I've literally made blankets for 3 generations. I like to think all those babies are wrapped in love and a big warm hug. 🤗

  8. Great tomato harvest! One of my favorite lunches is fresh garden tomatoes cut up with some really good, canned tuna in good olive oil. (from low mercury, smaller tuna like Natural Catch brand – sustainably sourced, pole and line caught). Sorry to sound like a crummy commercial but it's yummy and healthy! Cheers!

  9. The tomatoes which resembles with pumpkin might be more tasty and tangy. Hope you save some seeds from them. This variety is rare in India. We call them "gavraan tomatoes" here in my state Maharashtra.

  10. I'm trying to catch up on some of your videos I've missed. Just finished this one. I think you're tomatoes look great, especially given this year's weather obstacles.
    And I also want to add that you're hair looks so elegant in this video! Love it!
    Take care!
    Kate 😊

  11. Eat some, ferment some in brine, and dry the rest and grind to a useful powder.

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