Edible Gardening

How to store herbs and edible flowers to enjoy them fresh all year round! #shorts #gardening #vegan

Me and @laja decided to find a cool and alternative way to enjoy fresh herbs all year round making Herbs and Flowers Bomb!

Herbs and edible flowers grow for a limited time during the year but they are best consumed fresh in the kitchen.

I’m sure you know the feeling when summer ends and all your herb garden starts disappearing from your produce section. You can still buy them but they won’t have the same taste as home grown produce.

You’d need a silicon ice cube tray, Good quality extra virgin olive oil and your favourite herbs and flowers from your Garden. You can use any herbs and any oil you’d like!

The first thing the you need to do is to Pick up your herbs and flowers from your garden using a sharp pair of scissors.

Chop them down in small bits using a Sharp knife. For some extra flavour we also add some garlic harvested and stored from the last season and nasturtium for a touch of colour.

Add your herbs and olive oil to a bowl and mix it well. Leave it to infuse for a few hours.

Add everything to your ice cube mould, making sure that all the herbs and flowers are submerged in oil.

Freeze everything until completely frozen. The cubes will last for months in the freezer. You can add them straight from the freezer to a pan or You can pop them out of the molds and store in a plastic bag or container.


  1. That's amazing. If possible can you make a video about infusing or extracting oils from herbs? I'm trying to get citronella oil

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