Container Gardening


Spent a few hours today adding new containers and raised beds to my garden, will be getting many more to plant in as well.

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Dogman Homestead
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  1. I was thinking since you have to move those rocks anyways, why not use them to end cap that railing planter box. Just a thought…looks real good what you have going!

  2. Check your soils PH so your veggies are happy growing. I have never paid for shipping on Amazon. Some third party sellers may require it (I won't buy from them). The rest you can select free shipping (just takes more time to get what you are buying). I don't have Amazon Prime.

  3. It was 29 today and 27 tonight, here in FL. I want to do this next week. Have some seedlings started. You’re looking good for your garden.

  4. Great music to attack work with…Flight of the Valkyries! I just might have to use the same music to jump start my days! πŸ™‚

  5. I have been wanting to try container garden for a couple years, this is motivating and helpful to see what I need to get.

  6. When is your last frost date? What is your garden zone down there? Here in Ontario our last frost date for spring is around May 24. You may want to look into growing some perennial herbs, ie sage, oregano. Happy gardening!

  7. Watching for a second time just to get my Dogman fix. Even watching the commercials lol! Hope you are doing well! Love and healing to you!

  8. All of those pine needles make good mulch after the plants are up and it's a weed barrier between the containers

  9. Look at MIgardener for your seeds. He had to raise the price this year on his seeds but he is still the lowest out there plus his is free shipping. Germination rates have been really good. Thank you, thank you, thank you sir for making this video. I have 10 lick tubs that have been through 2 summers of gardening. They were filled with potting soil. I fertilize with rabbit manure but I dont have any leaves. I know the soil is spent. I have a huge bag of Masterblend fertilizer 4-18-38 but I never know how much to add or how often. I live in the city with little yard, hence the reason for the container gardens. I have learned so much but there isnt a lot of container vegetable garden videos and I still have sooo many questions.

  10. Garden is off to a great start…find a chunk of wood or a rock to set behind one of the wheels to keep it in place lol

  11. Great video Mike. I agree one hundred percent. Shortages are on the rise and are going to get worse. I started canning when you introduced me to the sweet lady's YouTube channel in Colorado who taught me to properly dry and wet can food. I am on my way to stocking enough food before the shelves become bare in grocery stores. Just want to thank you for lighting a fire under me that got me to act in time.

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