@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!

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  1. @ 14:00: whenever I talk to friends about our manufactured weather, I sometimes add LBJ's 1962 weather control speech.

    I'm so glad I found your channel.

  2. In the United Kingdom we have Neil Oliver at GBNEWS channel bringing out all of the negative moves by governments and business. I love what you Jean Dolan and Frank Jacobs are doing. Brilliant 🙂

  3. I heard the 87k irs agents have the right in their job descriptions to use lethal force. This does not sound like irs agents.

  4. Few people have ever seen hard times…the have no mental capacity to comprehend it. I am a student of history and have seen how bad it can get…and the left wants socialism…they have no clue.

  5. Hi! I'm just in the beginning stage of awakening and am interested in finding out more information. Where can I learn more about everything going on books or websites that would be really helpful? Thank you for your informative channel!😉

  6. It breaks my heart 30 years ago I left a communist country to have freedom and now I am back in America Cuozzo freedom that became a communist dictatorship I warn people years ago to wake up people are laughing at me now the tyranny is happening here all over wait until they will not get your doors and take everything that you ever owned just like they did in communist country like mine my parents lost everything we started from nothing and they threw them into slavery to work for the government for nothing our land was stolen our animals were taken. People keep telling me it will never happen in America because we have guns they are already going for your guns you have already lost the battle you should’ve woken up four years ago

  7. Not just an overreach. Planned Marxist & Gates planned middle & lower class families starvation as Russia , Cuba, China & Venezuela communist governments history reveals it is a plan. That is what Trump slowed down & protected us from in his 4 yrs. As the dirt stirs up frantically to prevent him from doing it again. Just recall Hillary’s close association with Marxism. Also the use of “Rules for Radicals” commie go to book, devious schemes we can plainly see if you know what to look for. This government is treasonous against American Citizens, but is a spiritual war to destroy Christians just as now communist countries have learned. Get ready for starvation to turn us into a barbaric society in order to survive. God is allowing it as he is in control. Prayer & repentance needed more than ever.

  8. Your hair is so beautiful! I would love to just grow my hair long and stop wasting money at the salon. Can you speak about it sometime?

  9. Plz recognize you r man/woman … born on the land of the united states. Not lost at sea!
    not a citizen , not soverign (except under God ) check out David L. Straight on rumble
    Out of Babylon semina8ir

  10. All the pillars of society are being attacked right across the world, finance, food, social, control the food and you control the people control the finance and you control the world this is not by accident.

  11. I'm from Boston.
    You are referring to Methadone Mile.
    It is not really a mile, but drug addicts addicts living by city hospital where they getting their free fixings.
    Terrible view, and I believe they are victims of the system – they dont matter, just profit they accumulate for corporation and public services.

  12. Hi. Thanks for sharing. Can you share the source of the article you saw about the man who survived one year of war in Bosnia? That sounds like good info to have. Be well!

  13. Sweet, that you would take the time to share your knowledge and skills with us. I haven't started canning, but have about 5 jars I can fill, when I get time. I do save every glass bottle, and fill it with filtered water, just got the chlorine granules (about 4 granules per quart?), and need to buy a shelf for out back. We have no garage.

  14. There have always been evil people in the world,we just ignore them and do what we have too,with Gods help we will go forward !

  15. Great bounty. Thank you for saying these things.
    As for the law in Maine, I would want to make sure the local law stresses that taking from anyone without payment/trade would be a crime bc if they have the "choice" of food provider then the socialists would be exploiting the lack of clarity in the law. Just a thought.

  16. This was always inevitable when they allowed women to vote, really its not just women but ANYONE to vote, when anyone can vote the mob takes over for all the emotional reasons, government loses logic

  17. People need to wake up yesterday. I'm devastated by the #of people admitting, that they know everything is messed up, but they refuse to pay attention ( therefore connect the dots) cause they have enough problems anyway….
    I don't even know how to respond to that kind of childish behavior.
    Still we are the only ones around in the neighborhood with a garden and chickens – just got reported to the town by a neighbor that our rooster brothers them. NOTE: we are in a completely rural neighborhood by the biggest national forest of OH, and everybody has acreage. We were hoping that the rooster keeps the girls safe from all preditors, including coyotes, who were brought here by the authorities to keep the deer population low. Well coyotes are now ruling the place, they don't give rats about the deer, but they go after the easy pray: our house pets and poultry.
    Sorry for ranting, I just had to let it out…
    At the same time it is comical that a rooster is the biggest problem of some people, yet they don't seem to get bothered by dead serious threats.

  18. Something similar to this seems to be happening very, very slowly, and in a spread we will soon see worse. Please, no one take it light, begin to prepare. Starving lives move, and when we are over full, double, or more than now, you will lose to lives suffering ages, decades, or years with experience. The foreign live band together, some in types, or color, some in other, but USA does not mesh, so you can if opt to run for safety now. Study what that is. I took decades looking to see if this is true, IT IS.

  19. Yes, if you took enough of those shots given out since 2021….I suppose you will be happy no matter what!!! Who knows what is in them. I listen to Sarah Westall. I heard that the regular fall flu shot has MNRA in it also. You didn't hear that on the mainstream media.

  20. Hi new to your channel..I woke up a few yrs ago and sounded to bell to my kids/family…my kids think am crazy and some family members listened some mock me. I prepare and pray for peace/wisdom. Thank you for posting and educating all of us!

  21. SO what's the real purpose of free immigration with a reward to all who crosses the borders — why cant you discuss this ? because the truth is illegal

    border children do not get vaccinated like the rest of us WHY think about it

    how to kill 100 million people in one shot ?

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