Garden Plans

My Fall Planting Plans – Garden Vlog – Zone 8a

Walking you through my garden as I plan out my fall garden. I also share my process how I map it out and what seeds I plan on sowing.

00:00 – Intro
01:14 – Garden walkthrough
06:00 – How I draw my garden plan
08:28 – My fall seeds

Edit: I already changed my mind since filming. I’ll be pulling 90% of all my summer crops and making room for fall, lol. I’ll film an update video soon!

Simplified Garden Journal:

Black Women Owned/Small Business Seed Companies:

Other seed sources:
Dollar Tree
Big box stores

#raisedbedgarden #fallplanting


  1. That okra plant is gorgeous. Im in zone 9 and my garden fizzled out very early because of the heat. I got a plans for spring though.I THINK I will focus mostly on fall gardening. I will do the heat loving plants though.No sense in wasting food if its just to 🔥 hot.My fall crops will be mustard greens,collards,kale,spinach, rutabaga and MAYBE some type of peas or beans.Of course I will do my onions and garlic later in the year.I still have SOME flower color so no need for anymore. Looking at your picks I MAY try my hand at some veggies that bolted in the summer.

  2. how hot are those bueno mulata? i've planted carrots at this time of year. dont be surprised if you get to the end of the winter and they are still tiny. the only carrots i've found that will grow and actually get big during winter are nebula carrots. but if you leave those carrots in through the first part of the summer they should get big. if you are not getting nice sized carrots make sure you are using fertilizers that have more of the p and k in npk vs the n. the last 2 numbers will ensure larger root crops.

  3. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden. Your okra plants looks amazing. I'm in zone 9. It's been extremely hot. As soon as the temperature drops…I'm going to have part of my garden re-done…so I can do better this Fall…because my summer crops didn't do so well.

  4. I'm excited to grow cauliflower for the first time. I also will try to grow carrots this year. Im excited for a future update on the fall garden.

  5. i hear the intro music loud but the volume in the video so low …even at highest volume

  6. I live in zone 8a also and for some reason I cannot get seeds to grow. I don’t know why. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am a newbie and I have raised beds and containers to plant in. I live in the city which I hate . Are you starting all of your fall crops from seeds or starts? If I get anything to grow I will share a picture. You have a beautiful garden space. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Very well organized. Last year we had all veggies from my garden for thanksgiving. You are right in that it is an amazing feeling knowing that you actually grew most of your meal very nice.


  9. I have heavy gray clay soil, and even though I tilled down 12" and filled with beautiful soil mixes, my carrots ended up thumb length and kinda weird. The Black Swallowtail Butterflies loved them, though, so it's a win just for that!

  10. I am envious of your soil and garden. We live in Arizona and everything needs to be above ground beds with enriched soil. The native soil on our property is great for making adobe, but terrible for growing vegetables.

  11. Your garden is going to look great. Cant wait to see. Great video. Thanks for sharing. Carrots can be tricky. I just keep the soil wet and sometimes cover the seeds loosely to hold in the moisture. Great seed collection.

  12. You have a beautiful place and your plans sound great. Ernie Hatmaker shouted you out so here I am. I’m looking forward to seeing more videos. Take care and have a blessed day new friend.

  13. Ypu have a beautiful garden. And your Fall garden is going to be fantastic. Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day

  14. I like your arch trellis. I was looking for the link but don’t see it in the description

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