
PLANT PRUNING TIPS | Types of Pruning and Right Time to Prune plants

This is Very Important Task in Gardening for Plant Growth and Flowering. In this video, we will learn some useful methods and concepts on pruning – cutting or trimming your plants for better growth and flowering. We will learn useful topics like when and how to prune a plant, Types of Pruning like Hard and Soft Pruning and Types of pruning cuts and lastly which Pruning Tools to choose.

Pruning means cutting or trimming the plant parts like branches, stems or leaves for the sake of your plants health and sometimes to maintain plant shape and form.

It is a very important work in gardening specially if you want your plants to perform well
Another advantage of pruning is it allows you to remove the damaged or infected branches and leaves which can further spread and cause more damage.

In this episode, we will precisely look into many questions about plant pruning like:

a) When to prune which plants.

b) Types of Pruning

c) How to Prune and Why?

d) Pruning Tools

e) And many other concepts and tips on pruning.

Before we proceed with these topics, first of all its important to know that pruning or cutting is actually wounding your plant. So doing it properly is really important. Pruning is actually a Plant Surgery similar to human or animal surgery, done either to save a plant from disease and also to make it look neat and good. Like the surgical wound, pruning also induces a wound or injury at the point of incision and this wound has to heal properly.
So Lets begin:
*** Please Watch the Video for all Details and explanations. ***

1. When to prune which plants?

2. Types of Pruning for house plants? Here we will learn Hard Pruning, Soft Pruning, Rejuvenation Pruning, Dead Heading and many other useful tips.

Deadheading means removal of dead or dried flowers from a plant which has just flowered. Sometimes it has to be a constant process and this diverts the plant energy into new growth and more flowering rather than drying up and consuming this energy into the seed formation process.

3. How to Prune? And Types of Pruning Cuts? We will learn two important cuts here: Heading and Thinning Cuts:

If you are not sure how to and when to prune a particular plant, I still suggest you to atleast perform soft pruning atleast once in its growth cycle.


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(I am a medical doctor with hobby as gardening)

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  1. This video has really helped me. But few of my rose leaves are drying at the corners. I do not know whats the problem. Can u please help me out. Is it okay to have my plant like that? I have kept it away from noon sunlight and have removed such leaves. is what I did correct?
    please help me out?

  2. For tropical season where its hot all year long when is the best time to do hard pruning?

  3. Thank you for the video. So can we say that heading is cutting the top for a bushier plant so new branches come up ,, and thinning is cutting the branches for a leaner and taller plant ??

  4. Hi , I want my curry leaves plant ( in pot ) to get some branches, can you please us suggest pruning . Thanks

  5. Nice video sir….we dnt know how to prune and when…
    We jst remove the brown and damaged leafs n stem….thnx

  6. I love pruning. It’s like shaving or getting a hair cut I know the plant appreciates it because the produce they make is soooo delicious

  7. Thank you for this but do you have a video showing how to prune a potted lemon tree? I would appreciate it. Love your yips clear videos. So helpful?

  8. Sir i bought rose with big flowers several times after flowering the next buds flowers are small it going smaller and it doesn’t give even medium size. What will i do to bloom bigger flowers

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