Backyard Garden

Backyard Garden Tour March 2022

Backyard Edible Garden Tour In Los Angeles, California | If you are interested in growing food, then come join me for a garden tour. You might pick up some ideas that might be helpful in planning your edible garden like which fruit trees and vegetables to grow, the varieties that thrive well in our growing zone, types of raised beds and barrels.. and many more.

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how to start a garden
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spring gardening
what to plant now
backyard garden tour
edible garden tour
garden tour
urban garden tour
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raised bed gardening
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gardening for beginners


  1. What a beautiful garden! I love to plant fruits, too. But I don't have a space like yours.

  2. Your garden looks great! You have put so much hard work and love put into it. I also garden. It’s my 3rd season and I’m excited to see it all growing more each day is a new surprise in the garden. I am also sharing update videos on my YouTube channel. I look forward to watching more updates and learning from each other this garden season! TFS!

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