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It’s been a great 2022 lawn season but things are starting to slow down as we move into the cooler weather here in Central Iowa. Is there still time for me to plant my new lawn at Westberrie Acres??

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  1. also in Iowa – the last two falls have been hot and dry, late till the end of Oct; this year(3rd) has also been so dry(humidity low 30% into mid 20%) however cooler suddenly starting in Oct … some seeding success for me, in areas I watered heavily; other areas I waited too late for and temps didn't fire germination well enough – but dang, had a great mow the other day, on stuff I got seeded early and watered the heck out of, and just now I'm seeing amazing 'cool season' growth filling out and darkening up(TTF) … now if I can just get a bit more happening in my other grass types with later seedings and attention, I should have a good base to start with in the spring

    I need to get my shade areas thriving, but putting off fine fescue as long as possible; trying as much as I can to get KBG/Rye in, but know I can do better spring and if I start earlier next fall( which hopefully Mother Nature will be kinder to me then)

    I'm keeping an eye on Ryan's seedings, great that I can see how he runs these thru their course, so that I can know what works in our environments

  2. It would be interesting to see if you mixed zoysia and Bermuda plots with cool season grass and then tried to control the warm season grass and also try to kill it off all together. What actually works to control those? What doesn’t? How many apps of glypho does it take to kill off every bit of each warm season grass? Some cool season people struggle with those and when the warm season grasses go dormant their yards look less than ideal.

  3. What about End of season/early spring or late winter seeding kbg on an overseed. I want to get the self healing of the kbg added to my mainly fescue lawn. I thought that time of year would be good because everything will be waking up so there should be more time before the first mow for the new grass to start growing. I haven’t heard or seen much on dormant seeding just enough to know it exists. Is it a good idea?

  4. Ryan, great piece on your plots, and the house is looking awesome, too. My wife and I are following you and Chelsey and are so happy for you guys. We’ll done! Hey, would you consider doing a piece on how you made the transition from music to A Lawn Business? You’re such an authentic man and I think many of your viewers would really enjoy such a story. God Bless and Chelsey!

  5. The racoons are eating grubs at service. Moisture brings grubs to service, so lunch time for coons and moles too. Kill the grubs and no moles or coons.

  6. Hey Ryan! I've learned a lot from watching your videos and used a lot of what I learned to prepare my own lawn plan. Have you considered planting alfalfa and/or winter rye (a cereal, not a grass) in some plots around your new home? Winter rye especially will come up even in November and will protect the soil from erosion and is killed off by low mowing in the early spring. It is useful in breaking up clay soils and introduces nitrogen into soil. You can then seed directly over those mowed areas in the spring. I'd be curious to see if the new turf grass would thrive more in those spots than in other areas of the lawn. I don't know if it is too late to plant alfalfa, as I have read less about it than winter rye. I've heard that winter rye has to be killed at specific times to avoid it recovering in the spring. Others have mentioned dormant seeding, which would also be interesting to see how that turns out. I have some bare spots after my fall overseed that I will try dormant seeding to see if it works out.

  7. Hey ryan i have been watching you for 2 years and i have purchased the tall fescue seed and lawn Leveler tool from your website i over seeded on spring and it grew in well i followed all the necessary steps and i also over seeded a 2 weeks ago BUT the lawn is still not as full as i would like it i was thinking of mixing in another seed that would spread itself along with the tall fescue. Please recommend what grass type i should use to mix with the tall fescue that will spread itself to make my lawn fuller

  8. I just rolled the dice today and decided to seed a portion of my lawn . Hopefully it germinates before the frost comes 🤞🏻

  9. We’re building a new home in Polk county right now and the ground will be tore up until at least thanksgiving. Any recommendations so we don’t have a mud pit all winter? We’ll have a 1/2 of full sun ground that will need seeded.

  10. End of season. I've got to drag my compressor out and clear my irrigation before Sunday's Viking game or I'll have lots of busted components to replace next spring! Then I'll probably throw out some fert to bolster those primary plant nutrients. It's always nice to have the darkest grass on the block at spring melt. Skol!

  11. Can you provide information on your watering system on your new property? I've been struggling with finding a good above ground irrigation system to use with my well water currently have ~7.5 gallons per minute flow rate. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  12. Ryan, quick question: I live in Maine and 13 days ago I planted KBG, TTTF, and Perennial ryegrass on a renovated lawn. Today we got a torrential rain storm and all of my peat moss washed away. I have a slight green tint to the dirt so I know I have some growth, but I wondered if I should re-apply a layer of peat moss to protect it as cold weather moves in (no frost ’yet’, but I expect in the next 2 weeks)? Thanks! Always enjoy the videos. House is coming along nicely.

  13. 1. planning to do any dormant seeding over winter? I've had success with this in the past
    2. do you use a quick release or slow release N for your last applications?

  14. hi Ryan, your channel has proven a game-changer to me. I’m a new home owner (self build like your Barndo) and lawn care community isn’t nearly as lively and vibrant as it seems to be in the US. Few people have relevant advice.

  15. Annual rye or cereal rye would be your best bet to have coverage planting this late. Also with deep shade no matter what grass you have if you want thick grass you have to continually overseed like every year

  16. Hello Ryan I have watched many many of your videos and I’m wondering if you could help me that in the spring I’m going to spray prodimine control crabgrass how long should I wait to plant grass seed.

  17. I live in Michigan. We Kentucky bluegrass. I was looking at the bluegrass and rye mixture for overseeing in the spring time.

  18. With cooler weather coming (getting some freezes this week in Southern Indiana), is it OK to water a renovation at night and early morning or stay with early morning and late afternoon, or even early morning and late morning and late afternoon? Ten minutes each OK?

  19. Having to clean up lots of leaves and walking over the new grass to do so can make Spring a better option. It will be interesting to see your areas under thick trees

  20. Love the test plots! Your house looks great! Looking forward to seeing how your seeding goes around the house this fall 👍

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