Edible Gardening

Gardener Sues City of Tulsa For Cutting Down Her Edible Garden

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you the story of Denise Morrison of Tulsa, OK who had her Edible Front Yard Garden Cut down by the City. In this episode, John shares his thoughts on this incident, and shares what you can do to protect yourself as well as how you can help Denise Morrison.

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  1. I hope to God not! :)) But it is easy to research. There are many candidates running opposing Agenda 21 in this year's election. Just watch out for all those "sustainability", "green", laws implemented at the local government level. The best protection for the environment is ownership of private property. I have an organic garden and am careful about what I use to make it grow… I know I have to drink the water under it (well). :))

  2. The Fact that people have to pay taxes and even pay to live on the property, that should've been enough to justify them to grow whatever they want. But to order them like a Tyranny on top of taxing them is EVIL! Forced Taxation needs to be abolished! Governments are too powerful and out of control in the wrong way! Governments should be strictly voluntary so that motivations within the government remain pure and just!

  3. We r not a free country, 30 thousand drones over head coming to all of us , ndaa, troops on the street. North Korea Amy one ?! Chips to be implanted in the health care bill, page 1000, sub sections 20 thru 25. National medical registry device system!

  4. …land of the free, home of the brave. yeah right! I think you all should plant front yard gardens whether you're 'allowed' or not. Government should be afraid of yall, not the other way around!
    Great vid John, Peace from Alicante Spain

  5. yes, alex jones goes into depth on this topic all the time. john is great for getting people all around the world to start growing, but the sad truth is that our government is giving the likes of monsanto and other companies way too much power. agenda 21 is real.

  6. I've not ever listened to AJ. However, the most recent election in my state had a person running for Lt. Governor against Agenda 21. There are many lectures available about Agenda 21 at the local level too.

  7. Great video, John. Don't bother coming to Canada though. We're having issues with government getting their back up over front yard gardens here too. One incident was very recent, in Quebec. Luckily for the petitioning, the couple won their fight with the town and got to keep their garden. I guess we're just going to have to keep standing up for our rights even harder and more often, as this goofy stuff arises.

  8. I don't understand all this. We grew a huge vegetable garden when I was a kid. It wasn't unusual to do so, either. Have we come so far from our roots that it is unusual to grow your own vegetables? Personally, I think a well-tended vegetable garden is a thing of beauty.

  9. If your local laws are dictating what sorts of plants you can put in your front yard then we are already in a police state.

  10. The city of Durham NC had done the same thing to me with trying to grow veggies in pots. They said it was "Commercial" growing and they made me get rid of everything in a pot. I considered running for mayor to fire everyone who pulled the crap on me. Instead, I just found a way around the stupid freedom crushing laws they make up to torture law abiding citizens. I see them come every year and take pictures of my property from thier cars. Makes me so angry.

  11. Im 24 and I preach things like this to my peers. None of whom disagree with my beliefs. I think the problem is a generation who thinks everything is alright with our government and civil rights. Not just gardens but self sustaining energy and efficient products, as well as sustainable homes like earthships which are generally illegal. Sounds horrid, but it's only a matter of time before those adulterated generations reach first frost. I can't wait to rub it in that we actually can run a country!

  12. I love that …"big 'fuck you' "… If we can give a big "thank you" for things we like why not a big fuck you for things we don't like.

  13. This is what happens when you elect a bunch of crooks. I love the kids chiming in when the kids are usually the problem. Young morons who buy into any feel good bullshit lie a politician will peddle. The green movement is part of the reason crap like this is happening. You've allowed them to pass laws that enable them to do as they please regardless of your rights. You've allowed them to strip away your freedoms for a feigned security. He who controls the food controls the people.

  14. All you mindless drones who sit here and whine on the internet while going out and actively working to bring about this sort of regulation is hilarious. Why do you think they can shut you down for 'commercially' growing? You're destroying the precious environment with your gardening! hahah suck it up- you reap what you sow =D

  15. THAT is a major problem. Basically, Agenda 21's ultimate goal is to kick everyone off their property and force them into urban areas where it will be easier for them to control you. The EPA and Soil & Water Conservation depts are busy everyday with creating more laws and regulations to do this. They will levy heavy fees and fines on you or make reulations so expensive to comply with that you'll give up, Trust me, I've been reading about the whole "sustainability" scam for years. Look into it!

  16. And yes, the current POTUS has given the EPA authority that they aren't supposed to have. It's like having a 4th branch of the Govt and is another way to go around Congress. Look up Agenda 21 and the UN. It's all there. If you have a city or county commission that talks a lot about "sustainable urban and rural planning" then you may want to attend the meetings to see what's going on. They really do count on people not showing up so they can further their agenda without your knowledge.

  17. USDA now has a "Farm Census" form. They are asking what you are growing and how many acres. They want to know what kinds of seeds you have and how may. They even ask what your household income is. It's none of their business! They want to know which farms to raid when the SHTF. The NDAA gives the Govt to steal your stockpile of food as well. UNBELIEVEABLE!. I blame all you jerks out there who for voted for you know who!

  18. Instead of calling it an "edible garden", she could call it a victory garden and claim patriotism. It seems to be the magic word for getting your way in the US.

  19. If you hear this and your only response is "Down with Obama," then you have already lost. Did anyone not notice all the homeowner/home association restrictions or city restrictions out there? Rules about not growing food has been encoded into U.S. laws for a long time. People were happy because it let them pretend they were living on golf courses, emulating the rich. No one noticed what was lost…until now? or have they?

  20. Correct outrageous, bully Muniplicle councils, officials who have no moral fibre should get a real job rather than bullying , like charity homless shelters or looking after the elderly

  21. Even Orwell never imagined a system that would test your urine to see if you have manipulated your consciousness. 

  22. Unfortunately, freedom means a society can choose be as stupid as it wishes. Wisdom and intelligence can't be forced on people.

  23. This is the problem in today's world. Too many people from older generations are in positions theyve outgrown a long time ago. Seriously. This is 2020. Anyone who refuses to advance with the current times and ahead needs to be fired, removed, etc. America is short on food, water and many other natural resources. Current generations are aware and forward thinkers. But so many are completely out of touch and closed minded already brainwashed. This is our problem in dc. As well. Google the average age group of people that r sitting in those seats supposedly representing all of us. Scary. Anyway just saying out of the old in with people who can see changes that must be done for the benefit of all. Long-term, new future. Forward thinkers.

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