Gardening Supplies

How I keep deer from eating my plants | The Impatient Gardener

The question I’m asked most often is: How do you keep deer from eating your plants?

In this video I’m showing what methods work for me, what I use and what I think about the new and expensive backpack sprayer I bought this year.

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Links to all the products I mention (Some sponsored and affiliate links may appear. I may make a small commission if you purchase through these links. Thanks for your support. You can see all my favorite products on my Amazon storefront at

Field King backpack sprayer:
Messina Deer Stopper 2 concentrate (2.5 gallon, most economical):
Messina Deer Stopper 1-gallon concentrate:
Plantskydd spray:
Bobbex spray:

Homemade deer repellent recipe (also available here:

Homemade deer repellent

4 eggs
1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon black pepper
A couple drops of dishwashing detergent (to help it stick to leaves)
Whole garlic cloves, crushed or smashed (I probably throw 6 in but just put in whatever you have)

Put all the ingredients in a rinsed out gallon milk jug and fill the rest with water. Shake thoroughly. Then set it out in the sun for a few days. You want it to get good and nasty. After it has “fermented” a bit, dilute it about 4:1 and sprinkle it all over everything.

My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5.

#DeerRepellent #GardenwithDeer #TheImpatientGardener

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The Impatient Gardener
125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074


  1. Hydrangeas are lovely, but man, they stink like yukky chemical medicine to me! I can’t believe deer want to eat them…shudder…

  2. For the homemade deer repellent you mention a 1:4 ratio. Is 4 parts water to repellent or the opposite?

  3. @theimpatientgardener this is the best video! I swear that I saw a short reel or some sort of video in the last few weeks and I thought the bottle was yellow so I came back and searched here and it doesn't seem to be the same product and now I can't find that short video. Do you have a new product that you've tested and liked or am I deerlirious?

  4. I am having good luck with milorganite this year. I sprinkle it around the perimeter of my beds. Apparently the deer do not like the human odor.

  5. Our motion activated sprinkler works in our front yard but can't be used everywhere unless you want to be shot with water spray every time you come up the driveway or out the front door after dusk 😳

  6. I used this method for the first time this year…the backpack is a dream!! My husband joked about my purchase until he watched it in use. Now he has ordered one for his yard projects (I won't share). Thank you for this very helpful video!!

  7. If you get a few passing through deer, the Irish Spring soap seems to work. It does however attract skunks and rats. They will nibble on it. Solar lights that change colors help. Most deer come around late at night here. You can buy coyote urine. Haven't tried that one. I've tried the dried blood. Works for about a week. The best bet is fences or wire around plants. Barbed wire has rules in some cities. Has to be so many feet from a public street and at least 6 ft high so kids won't climb on it. They made some ultrasonic solar speakers, but I can't find them anymore. They won't come around wind toys. The motion scares them. I usually don't see them around wind chimes either. 🐀🐾

  8. Does the spray kill insects. I sprayed with deer fence and the next day a clutch of tussock moth caterpillars were dead. I have a butterfly garden and don't want any harm to come to them.

  9. Hi!! I have always used Bobbex but didn’t apply it yet and deer ate all my tomatoes cucumbers parsley watermelon June 2022 – how come no longer Bobbex

  10. Hi!!!!! I know this is old but just incase someone needs a tip we live in the city and my cousin was having the same issue the deers were eating her hostas well someone told her to make an invisible perimeter by using stakes in the ground and tie a very thick fishing string apparently when the deer gets close it will feel the string on the legs and get spooked because it cant see it and will leave… she said she hasn't had an issue since!!!!

  11. You may want to try using a hose end sprayer instead. Put that deer repellant in the hose end sprayer, set the dial to the concentration level, and then attach to the hose.

  12. Yep finally started a nice size garden & the deer ate just about everything & what they didn’t eat they bite into & dropped. Learned a big lesson I just bought chicken wire & about to put it up. Also bought “Deer Off” not sure if it will work yet.

  13. In your experience, does this product work for rabbits as well? Is there a different product you prefer for rabbits? Thank you – I've learned a lot from your channel.

  14. They ate my geraniums.. I did use some of my grandson’s cut hair in the pot, and they have not eaten them since.

  15. Tip from our landscaper: Buy cheap salt shakers at Walmart, fill them with Liquid Fence or other fave, and hang them from trees or shrubs or bury them halfway in the ground. Place them roughly 12 feet apart. Lasts about 2 months even when it rains often.

  16. If you’re not sure what was said and
    you thought the transcript would help you…
    7:01. Egg salad clogs up the sprayer…
    Close, but no cigars. 😂

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