Front Yard Garden

Make $ In Your Front Yard | How to Start a No Till Market Garden

I finally found it! I leased a new property with fantastic new land owners and less than a mile from my home farm. In this video, I’ll show you how I prepared by new market garden 100% no till with no machines whatsoever. I use a lot of soil food web nutrients and soil inoculants to help speed up the biological development of the land and health of the soil. Some issues with this new property include bermuda grass and gophers so some new and old issues to deal with. Come along for the journey as my farm grows!

Farmer’s Friend Poly Tarp –
Landscaping Flags –
Oyster shell –
Kelp Meal –
Azomite –

How to Make Worm/Compost Tea –
How I Used Cover Crops –
How I Tilled in and Made Garden Beds –

If you live in San Diego and want the best soil I have seen made in San Diego, contact:
Rudi Stockalper Fertilizer Service, Inc
Ramona, CA

Drip Depot for best irrigation parts:
Seeds from True Leaf Market:
Hoss Tools & Seeds:
Bootstrap Farmer:
Farmer’s Friend Tools:
Earthway Direct Seeder:
$20 off Coolbot:

NAR Merch –

Bit Chute:
Bit Tube:



Help me start a small scale farming revolution!

Mel Bartholomew’s “Square Foot Gardening” – Great for beginner gardeners –
Toby Hemenway’s “Gaia’s Garden” – For everyone, learn ecology, soil building, permaculture, holistic garden design-
Masanobu Fukuoka’s “The One Straw Revolution” – Inspirational book, Introduction to natural farming/philosophy –
JADAM Korean Organic Farming:

-These are for farming/growing techniques and business/sales/marketing/operations strategies:
JM Fortier’s “The Market Gardener” –
Curtis Stone’s “The Urban Farmer” –
Ben Hartman’s “The Lean Farm” –

🌟MUSIC BY: Title:
Always (Vlog Music) by Dj Quads Music promoted by Audio Library
Soul (Vlog Music) by Dj Quads Music promoted by Audio Library

#notill #marketgarden #urbanfamer
-Some links above provide commissions.


  1. Best of luck with your new venture.  Front yard garden often invites theft, hope you are not a victim. A big question, this area obviously has a major gopher problem, how do you handle these pests?

  2. Looks amazing man. One day I will be using all your videos. Currently I live in a golf course community. The HOA would never allow me ot do a market garden. So, for now I have a virtical, hydroponic farm where I grow microgreens and sell to local restaurants. It's going pretty good for me, but I would love ot be able to grow more. Chefs are always asking me if I can grow unique items for them. WIthin a year or two I plan to buy property and build on it. At that point I wnt gardens like yours. You do an incredible job. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have a lawn with Bermuda grass. Would it be beneficial to just burn the grass to get rid of it before using cardboard? Thanks for the great videos.

  4. Hope you're prepared for the work involved with it being at a distance and open for strangers to walk by.

  5. I use the cardboard in my gardens too along with what my worms and chickens give me. 👍I like the front yard garden. I need to try that. 😊

  6. Where do you source your straw bales and how can you ensure that they are weed-free, or more importantly, spray-free?

  7. Congrats on the new plot. I am excited to see how your first season of growing goes here. You may mention in your next video, but what did the soil test say about organic matter content? I did not have much luck with biological inoculations this growing season. Luckily it was my first year with more knowledge of it all and it taught me many lesson on possible reasons why it didn't work so well and the depth of my ignorance to it all 😉 With that said, a big factor on my urban plots lack of success (I am lead to believe and spoke with Dr. Ingham to reinforce the belief) was a limiting factor of organic matter in my soil. The healthy soil needs a minimum of water, oxygen, organic matter and biology. I was broadforking to help with getting more aeration, covered the soil to keep it moist and added compost extracts for the biology but once it got passed my layer of mulch I do not think they had enough food to survive or stick around. Ideally a healthy plant is pumping out root exudates to feed our soil allies, but if the soil is unhealthy to start off with then the plant will be too and wont be pumping out all those juicy exudates. (This was the 5th season growing on this plot, 2nd without tillage so soluble nutrients may have been exhausted). So I ended up tilling in biology and organic matter this fall to jump start the process so next year will hopefully go much smoother and I wont need to till again. That is a long winded comment, but I am excited to hear about your progress on this plot and if OM is a limiting factor in the soil itself. You apply your teas way more often than I do, so that could be a way to by pass the tillage with OM and biology to get carbon in the soil as a food source. I'll definitely be applying extracts and teas way more often next year after getting some new spray equipment.

  8. Outstanding. That compost looked really good. Dr. Earth is the man and rock dust rocks. Can't wait to see that area full of beautiful veg. Thanks.

  9. Congrats on the property. Glad you found a source for good soil, compost. Good compost seems to be hard to find for many gardeners.

  10. I just moved to a new house and I'm planning to make a bunch of garden beds. I've done it kinda like this the times I've setup gardens before. Is there a cheaper way than buying so much compost upfront? I used the back to eden/wood chip mulch system

  11. Enjoyed the video. Thanks. Becoming a successful market gardener means minimizing your inputs (labor, time, money). So, give up on the compost tea. Layers of compost on top of your soil serve the same purpose. That's why no successful commercial gardeners use compost tea.

  12. I have two questions: how do you make the fungal-dominant tea? why not bacterial-dominant? I thought grassland, i.e. microgreens, flourish in a bacterial-dominant soil. I know soils need both, but I would like to know what on your mind about this. Thanks.

  13. do you mind me asking how much a plot like that cost you? I have 6k sq ft of space…i've developed 3k sq ft…i'm in zone 8b….i didn't think about it like this when i started haha….

  14. Honestly, flame weeder won't touch bermuda. Soil is too insulating. Only real use for flame weeder is when weeds are at thread stage (ie just germinated). Had a hard time convincing my husband that torching mature weeds wasn't the way to go, but he's demonstrated over and over that it doesn't work on mature weeds, even if it is fun to get all medieval on them.

  15. Blackhole gopher traps are amazing once you get the tech down I’ve caught over 400 of them if u need any tips more than happy, congrats on new location and thanks for compost info gonna check into him for are beach house in Solana Beach. Cheers

  16. I’m understanding what you mean fill the back hole? And yes I’ve tried putting grass on other side of trap but just for smell. The concept of the trap is to trick the gopher to think he has to go farther than it appears to fill in that whole on back of trap gopher hate light and a draft why mornings and night catches work better then middle of a nice day catch. Did u mean covering the other side of tunnel once set yes I’ve found covering that helps from them back filling covering the trap or you can set two traps little more work and bigger hole but if you have the space to not disturb your area so much can be effective.

  17. Congratulations on your new plot. Were do you get your compost in San Diego. That looks very good. I have been getting it from the dump coz I dont know were to get the good one. The price talks for itself and I would love to get it from your supplier.

  18. well this surely took way faster than the cover crops last year.. 😀
    your soil looks really alive!
    i've got a new plot too and hopefully i can do as great as you do!
    long time no see by the way 🙂

  19. Great video and great work! I recently converted a nearly identical plot, and followed the exact methods you used. However, my seeds would not grow. I surmise that perhaps the compost I bought is the issue. It looked and smelled good, nicely broken down, all the things you look for. I am in the Bay Area, California and apparently cannot get good compost. Don't know what to do as an organic farmer without compost. Any ideas?

  20. Big respect for you bro. You live your life like you want to, and you are happy. This is priceless.
    I will try this kind of living in next year. Gonna buy Curtis Stone's and Charles Dowding's books and learn as much as I can.
    Cheers mate.

  21. Hi! So is it possible to start a No Dig garden in a very hard and compacted clay soil (is the soil I have) or would it be needed to till it first? thanks

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