Front Yard Garden

Front Yard Garden Update June 2015

I’ve been gardening up a storm outside. So, I thought I’d give a little front yard garden tour!


  1. It has been raining for days where I live.  I also did the upside down container gardening in the past.  I also have an ant problem.  Can you give the recipe for the boogie brew?  Love the hat!

  2. Love your front garden! What would you plant to replace the grass?! I planted cucumbers and chili peppers. Hope to see more of your garden 🙂

  3. Hey. I just realized that I hadn't seen you around! I'm glad you're doing well. I love your garden. Your neighborhood looks like you could live in my town. I don't have any vegetables growing, but I love admiring everyone else's gardens. I hope you have bumper crops of everything! Take care!

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