Front Yard Garden

DIY front yard makeover, fall decoration, landscape upgrade, 앞마당 고치기, 집가꾸기, 조경 가꾸기, 미국사는언니 일상,집외관

이사 들어오고나서부터 마음에 안들었던 앞마당 조경을 큰맘먹고 내맘대로 남편과 바꿔봤습니다. 너무 힘들었는데 만족해요. 홈디포에서 플랜트를 사러갔는데 확식히 양식장에 있는 나무들 플랜트들 꽃들이 싱싱하더라고요.
Since I moved into my new house, I didn’t like the outside landscape.
I have talked with my husband and we decide to upgrade by ourself.
First it was really hard, but at the end it was worth it.
first we went to homedepot, but we liked the nursery better.

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