Garden Plans

On the Sofa: Hello again.

Hello again! I’m back from my little break from social media and looking forward to catching up with you all.

Living without a wage……living off the land and making do & mending. Click subscribe to follow my journey.

Contact me at: Vivi’s Kitchen Garden, PO Box 75303, London, SE26 9DL, UK

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  1. Good to see you looking so refreshed and to hear that you are getting to grips with changing your sleep patterns. As a life-long insomniac I know how hard it is. I try to go to bed before midnight but often it edges closer to 1 a.m. (or later), and even then it can be hard to "drop off". In some ways it doesn't matter that much as I live alone and am retired so don't have any pressures on my time but I can see that you do need to make the most of daylight hours with the garden. Good idea to drop the "answering every comment" commitment too, and starting to look ahead to when you give up the garden and have a bit of time to get back to some old interests (writing) and maybe some new ones too. Wishing you well.

  2. Absolutely fine with your de ision! I love your chatty videos..I listen to them at night as I'm laying in bed waiting for sleep! Xx

  3. OMG so good to have you back as i watch your videos when i have my lunch so have been watching your old ones fab, you look so great i think everyone needs tomeout now and again to reset themselves. I just wanted to ask were you born in 1967? if so we are the same age and if you write a book about your frugal life it will definitely be on my wish listxx

  4. Lovely to see you back Vivi! I was astonished that you ever responded to all your comments. I thought it was crazy and couldn't imagine how many of your precious hours you gave away. Life is too short for this.

  5. Right o,,I will show you I have seen your video with just a 🌸and you don’t have to reply,,good luck with your changes, my kindest regards 🌸

  6. I’m listening to a lot on sleep at the moment and apparently for every hour of sleep before midnight you get it’s the equivalent of two hours of sleep after midnight. Making you more refreshed the next day. I thought that was fascinating. (No need to reply lovely)

  7. We’re all entitled to a break my lovely. Most YouTubers I follow who have big accounts take time out at least once a year. Not necessarily for a holiday often it’s for a social media break. It’s vital for health and well-being to take time for yourself and combining it with your busiest garden time and harvest processing makes perfect sense xx us viewers also take breaks, it’s so healthy. (No need to reply)

  8. Vivi it is so good to see you back, on your own terms. You are an intelligent, highly articulate person, I am sure you will make a brilliant writer . Put me down for a copy of your first book !

  9. So glad to see you again, Vivi! What a wonderful video! Very inspiring. I think I will plan to "unplug" for a weekend just so I can ponder a bit and explore some possible changes in my own life. Thank you!

  10. Oh Vivi, I’m so glad to see you back. Your bubbly, positive, enthusiastic attitude has soooo been missed. I’m so happy that you have made so many exciting changes in your life and I can’t wait to see what you do next! ❤

  11. good to see you, and so good you're listening to your body. Why would you spend your valuable time replying to everyone? No guilt just keep doing what you're doing and so happy with the changes you decided on. 😀

  12. Oh god Vivi! I totally get that you got SM fatigue! you need to do that sometimes. No biggie! And the comments thing too. There aren’t enough hours in the day for that 😂 a thumbs up will do me fine unless you choose to reply 😊

  13. Hi Vivi. I am so happy to hear your are well. I absolutely love your channel and you! I believe you have been very inspirational for myself in living a frugal, practical, fulfilled life while fully embracing simplicity. I cannot wait for your new home. Thank You for all you have given me! Love Kerry Grace.

  14. Lovely to have you back, Vivi. I think it's an excellent idea about the comments. It was a lovely of you to do it, but as you say, just not practical anymore. Good luck with the new plans!

  15. It sounds like you’ve used your time off for a lot of soul searching. I hope it all pays off for you, Vivi. I have missed you but you must put yourself first , Love to you,

  16. Lovely to see you again. It sounds as if your stars have aligned to point you toward writing again. I love it when things like that happen. How wonderful for you!

  17. Halo vivi I have missed you I keep looking for your blogs and wondering what has happened. So pleased to see you so I now gonna watch you xxxxxx

  18. Oh vivi I do understand you just need to be you and do what you want to do when you want. It’s been a funny year and you have made big decisions like giving up plot and moving. Moving is the most stressful thing to do in life. Making massive decisions about changing your life can be scary stressful and very emotional. Just be you do what you enjoy. Xxxxx💜

  19. I lay in bed wen I wake up well I get up go to loo make coffee and go back to bed and lay in bed and watch YouTube channels like you. Probably I watch for 2-3 hours. Then I get up and get busy. I have so much to do of different stuff. We have dinner around 6.00- 7.00 me and my husband then we watch tv for couple of hours but about 9.30 I start getting tired and fidgety. My last hot drink is about 8.00 ish wen I fidgety I usually start to get ready to go to bed so I often go b4 my husband and I say goodnight messages to everyone and check YouTube and I just want to watch but I too tired and turn my phone off and I go to sleep. If I got a conversation going on late in evening it’s activating my brain so then it won’t switch off so I don’t do stuff like that if I can help it cos if I can’t go straight to sleep I invariably don’t sleep well at all and then I have to get up make a decaf coffee chill for half hour then back to bed and then I usually sleep but that doesn’t happen often. So that’s me now. For at least 12 years I gave up work to care for my mum and dad mum got dementia. They came to live with us 8 years ago mum passed age 96 5 years ago then dad passed at 102 years old on 21st July. So now I am no longer on lockdown as I couldn’t go out with dad after covid I was still in lockdown. It’s hard now as if I go anywhere I feel like I have to get back so I a bit anxious can’t adjust very easily to having my time. But I have all the time in the world but it’s everyone else that thinks I need to get on with stuff and I want to do it in my time. I miss my dad terribly as it’s been my life for so long. But I can go to plot all day now but everyone wants me so I don’t get that yet we’ll not often. I think everyone wants to keep me busy to help me. So I like you am finding my way forward. I am 68 so I don’t want to give up stuff but need to pace myself. Anyway sorry you prob won’t read all this but I feel talking to you helps me and it might help you. Take care bye🖐

  20. I've watched your channel grow from the beginning Vivi, and I've always been amazed that you continued to reply to every comment! Definitely the right decision! Lovely to see you back, and looking so well (minus the achilles of course 😩). 🥰🥰🥰

  21. Lovely to see you back Vivi 😊 The break from social media seems have done you the world of good. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself and making these positive changes to make things easier for you!

  22. It's so good to see you. You look happy and well rested. We all need that quiet "me" time. I myself had taken some time off from "watching" my You Tube channels. I've done some crocheting and more Bible reading lately. And, it makes perfect sense that you can't continue responding to "all" comments. I for one completely understand. Our lives are always revolving from one chapter to the next. I can see that this time off was good for you. Luv & Hugs❤

  23. I've been enjoying your storytelling for years, I keep coming back for the drama! Can Vivi with gammy legs grow her own food? Will Vivi's hatred of plastic jeopardize her frugal lifestyle? Will the slugs, foxes, rodents, weeds, rain, drought destroy the harvest? Will Vivi catch COVID from the cats? Will Vivi include the value of her knees into the cost of the produce? Will Vivi's sister save her from herself? LoL, but also, I've really understood how to grow things from all the gentle good advice given here on this channel! 💖

  24. Nice to see you again! Thank you for coming back, I really enjoy your videos, I admire you . Best wishes all the way from Georgia

  25. hello/ i am writing under my husnands name/my younger sister is going to help me declutter the cupboards

  26. i am going to give up some you tube channels because i cant watch them all/i keep my favourites yourself/richard and paul and other gardening people

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