Edible Gardening

Growing Edible Purple Mallow and Saving its Cheezy Seeds

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you his purple mallow plant. John believes the mallow plant is one of the most useful plants he is growing. After watching this video, you will learn how to grow mallow, how to harvest its seeds, as well as some of the various uses for mallow.


  1. hi john have you ever try mangosteen fruit ? im growing it from seeds hope it does grown in modesto,ca. i brough lots of fruit seeds from colombia will see what i can grow since colombia has a tropical weather

  2. People used to be fine? The ones that survived childbirth and didn't die of their teeth or other infections, sure. But let's be honest, antibiotics and so forth have saved a vast amount of lives. Now, I'm all for using natural remedies as long as they work, but alternative medicine has by definition either not been proved to work, or been proved not to work. Alternative medicine that's been proved to work is just.. medicine. But I agree. Natural remedies as far as possible!

  3. Yes, I have tried it. Yummm. Its delicious. Most of the antioxidants are in the peel (which taste yuck!) They are a tropical fruit, so probably wont fruit in Modesto… You WILL need to grow it inside and/or have a climate controlled greenhouse. Good luck!

  4. Super cool plant. My favorite part of your videos is that you show us intimate details of plants that most people never talk about, and when they do it's usually a cursory glance.

  5. Hi John, I am in PA and have mallow in my yard but the flowers are pink. Do you know anything about the different colored flowers? Thanks

  6. I am in S Cali. and my back yard gets completely covered in mallow every year when we get a lot of rain, and get to be about 3 ft tall. Yours are much prettier then mine, you almost don't see the flowers on mine when they bloom, but they come back every year so, I know they go to flower and seed. Do you know the variety you have?

  7. Awesome hat! I forgot mine out in the garden this morning and I will never forget it again. 😛 I'm going to have to look into getting some mallow now if for nothing else to be able to try and make rope out of it. But the flowers look yummy also!

  8. How funny that you posted this video.. I just got over a horrible cold/bronchitis and used dried mallow (a tea-like drink) and it helped me get over the horrible cough I had. Very useful information you've given. Thanks

  9. Hi John, can you tell me where I can get some Mallow seeds? They used to be everywhere when I was growing up in Colorado(driveway cracks, sidewalks, unkempt yards etc) . They were a pretty invasive "weed" . For the last few years (Still in Colorado)I have tried to find some whenever I was outdoors but have been unsucessful. I intend to plant in containers as my entire garden is located on my deck. (Back injury limits my mobility) I also wanted to thank you for all your gardening videos. I have learned so much from your videos and many times I used your suggestions succesfully. For instance, I started composting a few years ago and had pretty good success with my garden by blending it with my soil. 3 seasons ago, I saw one of your compost tea videos. It intrigued me enough to do more online research and each year my blends got better. Last season was incredible! My plants grow fast and hearty and the fruits were just as fast and super tasty. My pickling cucumber plant (just 1) spread out so much that I had to trim it daily. My cukes were growing an average of 2 to 2 1/2" every day. Because it was so big and thick, I would sometimes not find a hidden one for a couple of days and by the time I picked it it was 8-9" long but still solid with small seeds and super sweet. It was incredible. Anyway, thanks for all your videos. They are truly appreciated. (You also gave me the idea of vertical gardening so I have a ton more produce) 🙂 Susie

  10. i love mallow plant. they are so easy to grow, and I only eat the leaves in salads and smoothies. Mine has pale pink petals. I guess I will eat it too.

  11. Beautiful! You said that your mallow plant is a special variety but you didn't name what it is. Do you mind sharing the name? Ara all cultivars of mallow plants edible or are only certain mallow plants good for consumption?

  12. I have this mallow plant too that I got from baker creek seeds and I love it. I also have a lot of Hollyhocks that I love that are related to mallow. I've used the leaves from both plants to make tinctures and infused oils for cuts, scrapes and bee bites as well as just eating them. They are great plants.

  13. Thanks John…
    You are a staple to home gardening. A cornucopia of knowledge.

    I appreciate your knowledge you share, while I search for videos on various types of plants, and gaining as much info as possible, I am pleased to come back to your videos and notice that while most people will display the plant on video, and seemingly tell nothing about the plant but it's fancy scientific name.

    This is refreshing to know a wealth of information from your channel, where others couldn't provide. It's why I subscribed.

    Happy Gardening John and All.

  14. I have some Apricot variety of this beauty.

    I quite often find small bees curled up inside the flower napping.
    Well actually I think they are 'buzzed' from the drunken effect from a substance from within the flower. I heard there are some flowers of the rose species that ferments inside the flower, and bees etc. can become 'inebriated' from this.

    If that is correct on this plant, then these bees I see are obviously dodging work. Either that or they are checking into a bee "Hotel" because at night, they will crawl inside, and the flower will close up around them, kinda like a sleeping bag… full of booze.

    I would report them to their queen, but it's really none of my bees-ness.

  15. I found this video hard on the eyes as it was mostly out of focus. Can you redo a video that’s in focus?

  16. Just sauted a bunch of mallow leaves in olive oil with onion, tomato and mushrooms. Very tasty and much better than the raw leaves. Every year I get different weeds and 2022 is mallow year.

  17. Hello… Thank you much appreciated…. I need to know how to Harvest the seeds.. Much appreciated

  18. Hello I need your help the seeds.. The cheese wheel is that one seed or do I need to break the cheese wheel up like Hollyhock seeds.. Any help is most appreciated…so the segments are the seeds???

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