Edible Gardening

Vegan Athlete Favorite Edible Cactus – Edible Cactus Garden

Jake Mace Favorite Edible Cactus – Edible Cactus Garden. In this episode The Vegan Athlete shows you his favorite cactus to grow in the Phoenix, Arizona area for the edible Tunas or Fruits! Enjoy! http://www.JakeMace.com

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  1. Lord willing, I'm going to get one of these soon! I have never tried the fruit, but I love the tunas from prickly pears (the seeds mine have are not that hard, and I do not bite down all of the way anyway, so it is not a big deal to me) and I doubt this fruit will be any different.

  2. Jake if you let that fruit ripen on your counter for a couple of days it will color up and get even sweeter.

  3. he's vegan sure, but his flaw is that he eats to much sugary and acidic foods. cancer thrives on sugar and an acidic cellular environment. Let's be real people not even all that organic food could save his hairline 😀

  4. I had a garden back in Greece…but now i live in UK and i only have 4-5 little pots of herbs from the supermarket…. there is not enough room not even for large pots!
    i miss my plants…..i had this cereus peruvianus and it's great plant!

  5. I got a Peruvian Apple Cactus not too long ago but it's doesn't seem to be doing well. the bottom half looks pretty good but the top half is a lighter green and seems to be shriveling and drooping, any ideas what could be causing this? How much sun & water do they like? What kind of Soil? currently it's in a large container with cactus soil mix and some added organic material and get sun most of the day. the aloe vera that's plated with it turning kind of a pinkish color but the i'itoi onions are happy. Any suggestions would be welcome.

  6. sweet! would this grow in a desert environment? whats the max temps it can handle? presumably its a normal cactus right? so can it handle up to 48c temps ?

    Also, no thorns! awesome.. i love prickly pear flesh, juicy and sweet, if its like that without thorns then it should be cool and much easier to eat..

    However prickly pear cactus seems to grow many pears this looks slow growing?

  7. Not sure what that weird shit at the end was but right on. I got respect for what you are doing- a gringo who knows and pronounces túnas and heck you grow weird shit like the Nepalese cukes I'll watch that video next. If I had the land, I would do the same I've been collecting tunas for years not to mention pitayas, odd apple varieties etc. I hope one day when I get some space to call my own I could share with you and grow with you man- let me know if you want to try some weird varieties (orange, wide, purple, green etc)I could ship small cuttings no cost cus I like what you are doing. Keep it up

  8. Oooh, Imma try this one tomorrow. I've been seeing it around the farmer's market, pero I never end up buying it. Imma bite the bullet and just go for it.

  9. Where can you find Prickly Pear Pad cutting for planting also Apple Cactus? I want to buy some to grow here in Thailand. ^-^

  10. Apple Cactus, Pine Apple, and Sugar Apple; Well that hardly seems fair to the Cherry Tomato and Grape Fruit. I suppose either the Apples have a monopoly or Scientists aren't very creative when it comes to names.

  11. These will get IMMENSE, so be aware of their eventual size before you plant one anywhere. Plus they are covered with spines.

  12. Its so amazing, i really enjoy this video. Thanks for sharing with us, i love how you describe the taste

  13. Put a paper bag over the fruit held on with a wire careful to not damage the plant. This will stop birds and bugs. I do it all all my fruit and I am able to harvest late get a better yield with more ripe fruit.

  14. My family eats the seeds in the tunas. The seeds are usually a deal breaker for people not used to them. My parents are from San Luis Potosí, Mexico. There they have different tunas and make candies, jellies, and other stuff from the tunas. You should look into them! I’m late to this video but really good stuff on your page. 👍🏽👍🏽

  15. I have a question to ask you how can get a cutting of peruvian apple cactus can you let me know I have like dragon fruit but I want something new to grow

  16. Sir I’m afraid you have San Pedro cactus growing in your front lawn

  17. Love it! Every time someone scooping out the fruits is like scooping out a delicious ice cream spoon… but even WAY better!!

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