Backyard Garden

Back to Eden Gardening // My Future No Till backyard garden

Starting my small backyard no till Back to Eden Garden. Ive tried this method about 5 years ago in California. Not I get to try this method on my very own Homestead. I’m excited for this new adventure


Mail to Lady’s Farm:
K’dee Galindo

PO BOX 1062
Jackson, KY 41339

On this channel you will see things like Homesteading living, Garden life, Farm life, cooking, vegetables and plants carrots, garlic, asparagus, squash, tomatoes fruit trees apples, plums and peach trees. You will also see how we raise our chickens pigs and in the future goats and cows on our farm.We are not professionals just learning as we move along with growing our homestead! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

#Homesteading #notill #backtoeden #organic


  1. Looks good! Now I want to try one. Looking forward to an update on the no till bed… and how the chickens do with it. I feel like mine would kick the mulch everywhere and mess it up.

  2. I love your channel ..keep up the great work..,hopefully soon you can invest in a tractor and can uproot the grass to help ya better ..🌱🌱🌱

  3. Looking good. I prefer no till. I still get morning glory, but I'm able to keep up on it until it blooms. Then it's all she wrote.

  4. "Let's start our no-till garden, first thing we need, the tiller." haahhahahah. sorry that cracked me up. But I know what you're getting at.

  5. Charles Dowding has a no dig (till) garden in England. He's been experimenting with no till gardening for many years. He has a utube channel. I had a no till garden years ago, I used newspapers and cardboard. It had to be wet through before adding the compost and straw mulch.

  6. You should try putting your pig poop and compost really thick on top the card board then cover with fresh tree limb mulch ground with green leaves. Let sit all through winter and plant in next spring. I did mine with my horse manure and their stall muck for compost. My horses only eat organic so dont worry about glysophate in their poop. Honestly works super great. Every fall we add more layers to it. We've built the soil to 18 inches deep so far. Carrots, beets, and just everything grows so good and huge in it. The only thing we do till for is our sweet corn because we plant in 6 deep trenches for corn and hill it as it grows. We just dont back fill the trenches until the corn is tall enough.. Too many times sweet corn has been blown over by storms but not anymore.
    For everything else Back to Eden is the Only garden I'll ever do. After 5 years, mine is really huge and I grow everything in it even fruit trees, berry bushes with annuals. It is a food forest. Just so much easier now that I'm 57, bad back but I really enjoy growing my own food.

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