Edible Gardening

25 Edible Plants to Grow in June in Florida

In the hot sub-tropical summer of Florida forget about vegetables and think about edible landscaping. Here’s what to grow: Banana, papaya, pineapple, sweet potato, yardlong bean, black eyed pea, aloe, turmeric, lemongrass, mint, basil, seminole pumpkin, cassava, pigeon pea, okinowan spinach, suriname spinach, rungia spinach (leaf tastes like mushroom), sugarcane, loofah, cherry tomatoes, okra, moringa, passionfruit, edible hibiscus, marigolds and other flowers.


  1. Love your videos Tia, I have about 80% of the plants you mentioned here, my seminole squash have vines over 50ft long already, one of them is 20ft up a tree, and not slowing down. A few more plants I plant for Florida summers include Chaya(tree spinach), Katuk, Thai Basil(best tasting basil IMO), cranberry hibiscus, Abelmoschus manihot(giant edible-leaf hibiscus), yams(Dioscorea sp. Can be invasive if not properly managed), sweet potato (Ipomea sp.)

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