Edible Gardening

Creating a Small Space Balcony Garden of Edible Plants – Good for Beginner Gardeners!

Creating a Small Space Balcony Garden of Edible Plants – Good for Beginner Gardeners!

Keep your eyes out for part 2 of this video!

In this video I will show you how I created my small space, balcony garden of herbs and other edible plants. Herbs and greens are so easy to grow, and can thrive in container gardens and with little maintenance. I love to grow edible plants because they smell incredible, and it saves me from having to buy herbs all summer long. I can easily pop out onto my balcony to grab a handful of mint or a few sprigs of rosemary as needed.

In this video I will show you:
– How I acquired my plants, and how I decided what to plant this year
– The importance of planting weekend for 4 season climates
– Organizing and planning my balcony garden
– Planting from seedlings
– How to pot the plants, what soil to use for container gardening, and how to ensure the plants are comfortable
– Tips for building your confidence as a gardener and easy varieties to start with
– What the garden looks like after 3 days, 5 days, and 10 days

My personal website: https://amandaorlandocreates.com/
My personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandaorlandocreates/
My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/AmandaOrlandoPhotos/

My blog Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydayallergenfree/
Read my blog: https://www.everydayallergenfree.com/


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