Edible Gardening

4 Simple Rain Water Collection Ideas for SHTF ~ Preparedness

4 Simple Rain Water Collection Ideas for SHTF ~ Preparedness

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Video Edited by Sky The Cracker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiv1NrRuVoN-JT6fuAborFw

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  1. I put a fabric mesh over my buckets and use a bungie cord around the bucket to hold it in place. in the winter I fill 20 gals of rain water per day and dump it in my 50 gal containers. I get so much that I have it into summer for my animals.

  2. I'm so disappointed hearing about the Berkey Water results and law suit. I saved up and bought the mini one for rving & haven't even used it yet. I was thinking check that one off. Not! Got any ideas or suggestions on just a filter? I watched your home made one. Can you review or update?

  3. Thanks for this video. I’ve been reading a lot about water collection systems and I keep looking at my existing gutters. The rain water line would also be very easy in Louisiana. The amount of filtering has baffled me, but your system makes sense. T-shirt filter, boil and final filter. TBF. Now to find a final filter I trust.

  4. I used a 13 gallon goats to collect rain water , I put a screen from a window to keep things out of it , I used it for my garden .

  5. These ideas are Great. πŸ‘πŸ’§
    I'm in UK, & boy do we get Rain. Lol. β˜”
    TFS HC, take care & keep busy everyone. β€πŸ™‚πŸΆ

  6. I'd have to use something like method #4. I just cleaned out my gutters and there was an inch of coarse black sand in them, where the asphalt shingles on the roof were shedding little granules. I know there are nasty chemicals in that as well so roof capture is a no-go for me. The bigger issue is that we can and have gone months with no measurable rain here in southern Arizona. Can't capture what doesn't exist.

  7. That show The Colony where people were selected to live through a staged SHTF situation in Season 2 just stuck storage tubs under downspouts. That's easy because God knows we all have storage tubs! I have 525-gallon capacity with rain barrels. But I just might need to use storage tubs to keep catching during a downpour… because I'm OCD about water.

    The Amish collect all of their water from roof runoff (according to OFFGRID Doug and Stacy). This means if it has a roof, set up a system to catch the runoff–chicken coup. Firewood lean-to. The bigger the roof, the more surface area and runoff. I can't convince my husband to do so with the greenhouse or shed. πŸ˜• He thinks I'm cray cray.

  8. Can you catch water off a regular roof instead of a tin roof? Someone told me that regular shingle roofs would put too many chemicals into the water. I figured if you had a good filter it wouldn’t matter but would appreciate some input. Thanks!

  9. This is wonderful if you have rain to catch. Unfortunately, we live in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia's central valley and haven't seen any measurable rain in a long time. We live in the country, which, yes does exist here and had to drill a new well a few months ago. The cost was $50,000 for a 450 foot well, which will hopefully last the next ten years or so. Our neighbors, up and down the road can't afford a new well and have 2,500 gallon above ground storage tanks and have to get water delivered. Bad times here…

  10. Thank you for these ideas. I've shared my plan on other sites but would like to add them here.
    I have a large tarp to put in the pick up bed, fastened over the sides with bungee cords. For capture off the roof I have hooks screwed into the eaves for large tarps to hang, tied off to the deck rail, with a hole in a low spot to let water drip into a plastic tote. A similar set up will work to catch dew if we don't have rain (not a lot of water in that method, but any water will help if lines are down/broken).

  11. I would love to try to save some water, but here in Southern California it never rains!! All those ideas you showed were really great and I won’t forget them if it ever does rain here LOL. Love your channel, keep up the good work.

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